eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.
„Twitter to remove harmful fake news about coronavirus – Site changes rules to ban content aimed at making people act against official advice – Twitter will remove tweets that run the risk of causing harm by spreading dangerous misinformation about Covid-19, the company has said, after weeks of criticism that its policies on misinformation were too lax.“
„Coronavirus: EU-Diplomaten warnen vor russischer Desinformation – Laut dem Europäischen Auswärtigen Dienst verbreiten russische Trolle Unwahrheiten über den Covid-19-Ausbruch, um Zwietracht zu säen und zu spalten. – Eine für Osteuropa zuständige Abteilung des Europäischen Auswärtigen Diensts (EAD) warnt in der Coronavirus-Krise vor Desinformationskampagnen russischer Trolle. Diese versuchten, Misstrauen in die Regierungen der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten zu säen und die Bevölkerung zu spalten, warnt die ‚East Stratcom‘-Arbeitsgruppe. Pro-russische Nachrichtenseiten wollten den Europäern weismachen, ‚dass die Demokratie nicht funktioniert‘. – Allein rund ein Drittel der in dieser Woche entdeckten 86 Fälle von ‚Fake News‘ bezögen sich auf SARS-CoV-2, schreibt East Stratcom in einer am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Analyse.“
„Woher stammen die Falschnachrichten zum Coronavirus? – Russische Akteure verbreiteten Fake News zum neuen Coronavirus, sagt das US-Außenministerium. Doch das zu belegen, ist schwierig. – Parallel zum weltweiten Ausbruch des neuen Coronavirus breitet sich im Internet eine ‚Infodemie‚ aus. So nennt die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) die massive Streuung von Informationen, Falschnachrichten und Verschwörungstheorien rund um den neuen Erreger. Ein Teil dieser Falschnachrichten sind schlicht Gerüchte, die Menschen im Netz posten, weil sie nach Antworten suchen. Ein anderer Teil scheint aber gezielt gestreut zu werden. So zumindest schreibt es die Washington Post. Das amerikanische Außenministerium verdächtigt demnach Russland, auf vielen Online-Kanälen massiv Desinformationen über das neue Coronavirus zu verbreiten.“
Twitch boomt: +66% in Italien
„This is Twitch’s moment – Live-streaming is more popular than ever – These are unprecedented times. It’s fun to joke about the apocalypse – gallows humor being the incredible coping mechanism that it is – but it’s way less fun when that particular societal realignment is happening outside your door. Not that you should really be going outside much. We are in the early days of something so big that it’s really impossible to conceptualize how it’s going to change the world. Even so, there are some things we can measure now, like Twitch. … You can see the effect locally, too. StreamElements found that in Italy, live-stream viewership (in terms of minutes watched) grew more than 66 percent since the first week of February and when the quarantine there began.“
The Verge
Netflix spart: reduziert Auflösung
„Netflix to cut European traffic by 25% due to coronavirus – Netflix said on Thursday it would reduce its bit rates across all its streams in Europe, in effect cutting traffic on its European networks by 25% to preserve the smooth functioning of the internet during the coronavirus crisis. – The move came after talks between European Union industry chief Thierry Breton and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings. Breton had a day earlier urged the video streaming service to downgrade the quality of its video to avoid internet gridlock.“
GAFAM mit riesigem Wertverlust
„Tech’s big five lost $1.3 trillion in value since market peak one month ago – Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet and Facebook have lost a combined $1.3 in value since the market peaked on Feb. 19. – Stocks rose Thursday after plunging Wednesday and haven’t notched gains on consecutive days since Feb. 10-12. After initially telling investors that supply chain issues would hurt results, Apple has since closed all its retail stores outside of China until March 27.“
Amazon Prime Pantry schließt
„Amazon Prime Pantry temporarily closes as online shopping surges amid coronavirus outbreak – Prime Pantry is temporarily closed due to ‚high order volumes‘ tied to the coronavirus outbreak. – An Amazon spokesperson confirmed to CNBC that Prime Pantry is temporarily closed nationwide. – The service lets Prime members buy packaged groceries and household items.“
On-nomi: gemeinsam einsam
„The Japanese have a word for drinking with friends while isolating: On-nomi – How do I self-isolate? – Staying home and avoiding contact with others could help contain the virus. – Different governments and authorities have different advice. – Here’s an example of the UK government’s guidelines.“
„On-nomi: new Japanese drink trend is basically digital happy hour – Drinking alone, together – With social spaces such as pubs, bars and restaurants being off-limits worldwide due to the Coronavirus outbreak, people in Japan have found a way to make sure that drinking in isolation doesn’t have to mean drinking alone.“
„On-nomi (オン飲み) is the new Japanese term for drinking online – Supposedly driven by the virus crisis, On-nomi (オン飲み, ‚Drinking on[line]‘) is the practice of getting together with friends on the internet and having a drink together. It’s the touchless, pathogen-free gathering of the immediate future.“
Boing Boing