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Fakenews: Made in the USA

„In 2020, Disinformation Broke The US – Lies about science, civil rights, and the vote itself have turned Americans against one another. – Disinformation and its fallout have defined 2020, the year of the infodemic. Month after month, self-serving social media companies have let corrosive manipulators out for dollars, votes, and clicks vie for attention, no matter the damage. … Disinformation didn’t just come through social media; it has been authoritatively promoted by President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, which sought to tie perceived social unrest over the summer to his opponent, Joe Biden. … Disinformation is not going away. It will dissuade people from taking the vaccine. Protesters will be lied about as police brutalize them. And the propaganda machine Trump fueled won’t grind to a halt just because there’s a new president.“


Video: live, sozial, verkauft

„Live, Social, and Shoppable: The Future of Video – Over the past year, it’s become obvious (sometimes painfully so) that video consumption is on the rise. Americans are Zooming into work meetings, logging into online classrooms, FaceTiming friends and family, and streaming entertainment more than ever before (binge-watching and gaming are up 25 percent and 75 percent, respectively). But this screentime swell began well before COVID hit. Since 2015, video streaming has risen 13 percent year-over-year. In addition, we’re spending more and more time watching on our phones: Americans spent an average of 42 minutes a day viewing digital video on their phones last year, compared to 23 minutes on their computers.“


Uber verkauft ATC an Aurora

Uber sells its self-driving unit to Aurora – Self-driving vehicle start-up Aurora is acquiring Uber’s Advanced Technologies Group, which works on self-driving technology. – Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi will join the company’s board, and the ridesharing giant will also invest $400 million into the start-up, which is getting a $10 billion valuation. – ATG had been a long-term play for Uber, but the unit brought high costs and safety challenges. … Overall, Uber and ATG investors and employees are expected to own a 40% stake in Aurora, according to a regulatory filing accompanying the deal; Uber alone will hold a 26% stake. The start-up is being valued at $10 billion in the transaction, according to a person familiar with the terms of the deal. … Aurora is backed by Hyundai, Amazon and major venture firms including Greylock and Sequoia.“


Waymo: langweilig … sicher

„This Arizona college student has taken over 60 driverless Waymo rides – The most striking thing about these videos is how boring they are. In nearly five hours of driving, I didn’t see Waymo’s vehicles make a single significant mistake. That contrasts with the ‚full self-driving‘ software Tesla released in beta back in October. I watched three hours of videos of customers testing out Tesla’s technology. Drivers intervened more than a dozen times – including two cases where a crash seemed imminent. – Johnson’s experience hasn’t been like that at all. ‚It’s been rock solid,‘ he told Ars in a phone interview. … To sum up: over six million miles of driving, Waymo had a low rate of crashes, had no life-threatening crashes, and most of the crashes that did occur were the fault of the other driver. These results make it plausible that Waymo’s vehicles are safer than the average human driver in the vast majority of situations. … Waymo seems more determined to keep its near-flawless driving record. The question is whether this cautious strategy will allow it to scale up quickly enough to be a viable business.“

Ars Technica

Apple M in allen Rechnern

„New report reveals Apple’s roadmap for when each Mac will move to Apple Silicon – High-end Macs could have as many as 32 performance cores to the M1’s four. – Apple plans to release new Apple Silicon-based versions of the 16-inch MacBook Pro and the higher-end 13-inch MacBook Pro configurations in 2021, with the first chips appropriate for at least some of these computers arriving as early as spring, and likely all of them by fall. New iMac models that share CPU configurations with high-end MacBook Pros are also expected next year. – The Mac Pro, on the other hand, would not arrive until 2022, which is the year that Apple has said it plans to complete its silicon transition. That suggests the Mac Pro may be the last machine to make the leap.“

Ars Technica

Bosch will Brennstoffzellen

Energiewende: Bosch will die Stromnetze mit Brennstoffzellen-Kraftwerken entlasten – Bosch will Brennstoffzellen-Technologie für dezentrale Kraftwerke bauen. Damit könnten etwa Lastspitzen in den Stromnetzen abgefedert werden. Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig. – Brennstoffzellen sind als Antriebstechnologie für Fahrzeuge bekannt und, wenn es um Wasserstoff geht, umstritten. Bosch will nun stationär einsetzbare Brennstoffzellen herstellen, die etwa in lokalen, optional vernetzten Kleinkraftwerke eingesetzt werden können. … Bosch ist von dem Konzept überzeugt und will nach eigenen Angaben einen dreistelligen Millionenbetrag in die Serienfertigung investieren. Die stationären Festoxid-Brennstoffzellen (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, SOFC) hat Bosch mit dem britischen Unternehmen Ceres, an dem Bosch mit 18 Prozent beteiligt ist, entwickelt.“