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Hasskommentare & Hasskriminalität
„Gesetz gegen Hasskriminalität im Netz soll verabschiedet werden – Der Bundestag stimmt in der kommenden Woche über ein Gesetz gegen Hasskriminalität im Internet ab. Das soll Opfern helfen – trifft aber auf viel Kritik. … Dass Hetze, Beleidigungen und Bedrohungen im Netz ernster genommen werden, wurde über rund zwanzig Jahre immer wieder gefordert. … Das Problem lag bisher vor allem in der mangelnden Durchsetzbarkeit entsprechender Anzeigen. Nicht jede Polizeibehörde, nicht jede Staatsanwaltschaft behandelt das ‚Getrolle‘ und Gezeter bei Facebook und anderswo mit dem gleichen Ernst. ‚Virtuelle‘ Beleidigungen werden zu oft als Bagatelle abgetan, selbst in Bezug auf Prominente… Es wird erwartet, dass der Gesetzentwurf am Donnerstag eine Mehrheit findet. Das heißt jedoch nicht, dass er nicht auch auf Kritik träfe: Datenschützer fürchten, dass der Entwurf an mehreren Stellen über sein Ziel hinausschieße. Kritisiert wird beispielsweise die Meldepflicht für Diensteanbieter. Die sollen die Daten ihnen gemeldeter Nutzer künftig an das BKA weiterreichen – und zwar die von Tätern wie Opfern.“
Facebook News: Massentauglich?
„The new Facebook News is filled with stories that are way too mainstream to do well on the rest of Facebook – On June 10, the most popular stories on Facebook were all about NASCAR banning Confederate flags and Blue Lives Matter stories from far-right sites, with a sprinkling of dead kids. Over in Facebook News – which launched Tuesday in the U.S. after a few months of testing – things were different. … The most notable thing about Facebook News is that it includes almost none of the stories that do well on the rest of Facebook.“
„Facebook says it doesn’t need news stories for its business and won’t pay to share them in Australia – Facebook has rejected a proposal to share advertising revenue with news organisations, saying there would ’not be significant‘ impacts on its business if it stopped sharing news altogether. … Facebook and Google have previously refused to accept they needed to pay for using news content.“
The Guardian
Zoom & China: Content-Moderation
„Zoom & China: Never Forget That Content Moderation Requests From Government Involve Moral Questions – If you’ve been around the content moderation/trust and safety debates for many years, you may remember that in the early 2000s, Yahoo got understandably slammed for providing data to the Chinese government that allowed the government to track down and jail a journalist who was critical of the Chinese government. This was a wake up call for many about the international nature of the internet – and the fact that not every ‚government request‘ is equal. … The video conferencing software Zoom is going through what appears to be an accelerated bout of historical catch-up as its popularity has rocketed thanks to global pandemic lockdown. It keeps coming across problems that tons of other companies have gone through before it – with the latest being, as stated above, that requests from all governments are not equal. It started when Zoom closed the account of a US-based Chinese activist, who used Zoom to hold an event commemorating the Tiananmen Square massacre.“
healthOS: Apple Health ist groß
„When people think about Apple and health, the first thing that comes to mind is the Watch. – But the real lynchpin of Apple’s health strategy is this humble app: Health – Apple is building it into the OS for Health. – Specifically, they’re building a system to aggregate data from modern connected devices (like watches, scales, fitness equipment, mattresses, etc) and integrate it with traditional health records (lab results, conditions, medications, procedures) in order to unlock a new, comprehensive view of your body’s health. … Apple doesn’t want to go down the path of making health-related hardware devices. These have high fixed R&D and manufacturing costs to make them, and each device tends to only fill a small niche – so it’s a tough business to be in. Apple considers these devices accessories/subcomponents. … Ironically, Apple’s strategy with Health today is reminiscent of Microsoft’s strategy with Windows in the 90s.“
Verlage vs. Internet Archive (IA)
„Internet Archive ends ‚emergency library‚ early to appease publishers – Online library asks publishers to ‚call off their costly assault.‘ … But that doesn’t seem very likely. The Internet Archive isn’t ending its online book lending program altogether. Instead, the group is returning to a ‚controlled digital lending‘ (CDL) model that it had followed for almost a decade prior to March. Under that model, the group allows only one patron to digitally ‚check out‘ a book for each physical copy the library has in stock. If more people want to read a book than are physically available, patrons are added to a waiting list until someone checks the book back in. … Experts have told Ars that the CDL concept has a better chance of winning approval from the courts than the ‚emergency library‘ idea with unlimited downloads.“
Ars Technica
DeepMind spielt Diplomacy
„DeepMind hopes to teach AI to cooperate by playing Diplomacy – DeepMind, the Alphabet-backed machine learning lab that’s tackled chess, Go, Starcraft 2, Montezuma’s Revenge, and beyond, believes the board game Diplomacy could motivate a promising new direction in reinforcement learning research. In a paper published on the preprint server Arxiv.org, the firm’s researchers describe an AI system that achieves high scores in Diplomacy while yielding ‚consistent improvements.‘ … In future work, the researchers plan to investigate ways to reduce the agents’ exploitability and build agents that reason about the incentives of others, potentially through communication. ‚Using [reinforcement learning] to improve game-play in … Diplomacy is a prerequisite for investigating the complex mixed motives and many-player aspects of this game … Beyond the direct impact on Diplomacy, possible applications of our method include business, economic, and logistics domains … In providing the capability of training a tactical baseline agent for Diplomacy or similar games, this work also paves the way for research into agents that are capable of forming alliances and use more advanced communication abilities, either with other machines or with humans.'“
Microsoft Teams kann Skype
„New in Microsoft Teams: Teams-Skype interoperability plus pop-out chat windows – Microsoft rolls out interoperability between Teams and Skype for consumers, part of phasing out Skype for Business.“
Apple setzt auch im Mac auf ARM
„Here’s how Apple’s Mac and mobile ARM chip roadmap looks through 2025 – Over the past decade, Apple’s computers have gone from niche to mainstream, thanks largely to growing adoption of Mac laptops and iPad tablets as adjuncts to increasingly popular iPhones. … Apple’s intention to transition away from Intel’s processors for Macs has been well documented for over two years, and the stated reason – dissatisfaction with the chips’ performance and manufacturing process gains – has only become more pronounced over time. MacBooks, iMacs, and Mac minis have seen only small year-over-year speed boosts from Intel chips, while high-end iMac Pro and Mac Pro desktops have struggled to find next-generation Intel CPUs to adopt. Meanwhile, Apple’s latest ARM-based iPhones and iPads have opened up wide performance leads over their rivals, so it’s no shock that Macs with ARM chips are on the way.“
„The Next Processor Change is Within ARMs Reach – Apple will be moving to Arm based macs in what I believe are 4 stages, starting around 2015 and ending around 2023-2025: Release of T1 chip Macbooks, release of T2 chip Macbooks, Release of at least one lower end model Arm Macbook, and transitioning full lineup to Arm. Reasons for each are below.“