eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.
Instagram folgt TikTok (und Twitter)
„Facebook is testing drastic changes to Instagram to make it more like TikTok – Facebook’s head of Instagram said the service plans to start showing users full-screen, recommended videos in their feeds. – ‚We’re no longer a photo-sharing app or a square photo-sharing app,‘ Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri said. – Mosseri specifically highlighted TikTok as well as YouTube as serious competitors and reasons for these changes.“
„Instagram is developing its own version of Twitter’s Super Follow with ‚Exclusive Stories‚ – Instagram is building its own version of Twitter’s Super Follow with a feature that would allow online creators to publish ‚exclusive‘ content to their Instagram Stories that’s only available to their fans – access that would likely come with a subscription payment of some kind.“
NFT: das ganze Web und etwas Twitter
„Tim Berners-Lee sells web source code NFT for $5.4m – The original source code for the world wide web has been sold as a non-fungible token, making $5.4m (£3.9m). – NFTs are certificates of ownership for digital assets, which often do not have a physical representation.“
„Twitter is giving out 140 Ethereum NFTs that can be seen on Rarible – One NFT called Furry Twitter shows a furry three-dimensional version of Twitter’s logo. Another is called Reply Guy, representing someone who always comes up with the same reply. First Born features Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s first ever tweet.“
The Block
iPhone 12: satte 100 Mio. in 7 Monaten
„iPhone 12 Series Sales Cross 100 Million Mark Within 7 Months of Launch – Exactly 14 years ago, Apple disrupted the smartphone market as the first iPhone went on sale. … The iPhone 12 series’ cumulative global sales crossed the 100 million units mark in April 2021, according to Counterpoint Research’s mobile handset Market Pulse Service. The series was able to achieve this feat in the seventh month after its launch, which is two months earlier than the iPhone 11 series and almost the same as the iPhone 6 series that helped Apple achieve its first volume super-cycle at the cusp of 4G transition. … The share of the Pro Max version in the iPhone 12 series sales was 29%, compared to the 25% for the same model of the iPhone 11 series. This is also one of the reasons for the iPhone 12 series grossing 22% more revenue than the iPhone 11 series in the first seven months of its launch.“
eCommerce-Abkommen der WTO
„Der Handelsvertrag, der das Internet prägen könnte – Hinter verschlossenen Türen verhandeln Mitgliedsstaaten der Welthandelsorganisation seit Jahren über ein Abkommen, das die digitale Welt prägen könnte. Während davon praktisch nichts nach außen dringt, haben Digitalkonzerne in Brüssel eine Lobby-Offensive gestartet. – Einige der größten Tech-Konzerne der Welt haben bei der Europäischen Union wegen eines Handelsvertrages lobbyiert, der große Auswirkungen auf die Zukunft des Internets haben könnte. Konzerne wie Microsoft, Google, Facebook sowie Lobbyverbände der Technologiebranche sprachen zumindest 16 Mal in den vergangenen zwei Jahren hinter verschlossenen Türen mit Vertretern der EU-Kommission über ein geplantes e-Commerce-Abkommen zwischen Mitgliedsstaaten der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO).“