eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.
Kontaktverfolgung: Diskussion
„#netzstimmen über die Corona-App: padeluun (Digital Courage e.V.) & Gerrit Eicker (eicker.TV)“ – „padeluun ist ein deutscher Künstler und Netzaktivist, der für digitale Bürgerrechte eintritt.“
Oliver Gassner
Warum Kontaktverfolgung?
„‚Mit jeder Lockerung wird eine Tracing-App wichtiger.‘ – Die Arbeit der Gesundheitsämter ist entscheidend in der Pandemie. Stephanie Jacobs leitet Deutschlands größtes Amt in München – und verzweifelt gerade an Faxgeräten. – Stephanie Jacobs ist Leiterin des größten kommunalen Gesundheitsamts in Deutschland, des Referats für Gesundheit und Umwelt in München. Zurzeit sind die mehr als 370 Mitarbeiter im Gesundheitsbereich vor allem damit beschäftigt, die Kontakte von infizierten Personen nachzuverfolgen. Im Alltag kämpfen die Mitarbeiter mit einem schwerfälligen System, statt Daten digital zu übermitteln, läuft hier der Großteil der Arbeit noch via Fax.“
Kontaktverfolgung: Richtlinien
„Apple and Google release sample code, UI and detailed policies for COVID-19 exposure notification apps – Apple and Google are providing additional resources for developers working with the first version of their Exposure Notification API, the development tools the companies have created and are working on in order to provide a cross-platform way for public health agencies to notify individuals of a potential exposure to a person with a confirmed case of COVID-19. … The two companies have also released new policies that any developers working with the API must adhere to in order to get their apps approved for use. … They must be made by or for the use of an official government public health authority, and they can only be used for the purpose of responding to COVID-19. – They need to ask consent of a users to actually employ the API before it can actually be used. – They require a user’s consent to share a positive test result before broadcasting any such info with the public health authority operating the app. – They should only gather the minimum amount of info necessary for the purposes of exposure notification, and should use that only for the sake of COVID-19 response. … They can’t access or even seek permission to access a device’s Location Services, which provides specific geolocation data. … There can only be one app per country, which is designed to avoid fragmentation and therefor encourage efficacy, though Apple and Google say that if a country is relying on a regional or state-based approach, they’re willing to work with authorities to support them n the best way possible. … The companies say that they’re also going to continue the pace of updates release for their software and software development kits in advance of shipping the public version of the API to consumers starting later this month.“
VK: Videokonferenzsoftware
„It’s Not Just Zoom. Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Webex Have Privacy Issues, Too. – CR evaluated videoconferencing privacy policies and found these services may collect more data than consumers realize. … Here are the best practices Consumer Reports is recommending for all videoconferencing companies. – Minimize data collection. During a videoconference, companies should store only the information needed to deliver the service. Then, they should limit how that data is shared with third parties. – Restrict how data is used for ‚product improvement.‘ Videoconferencing companies should only use data they collect to develop or improve features that are clearly related to the service the user is getting. … Turn on the most secure settings by default. The goal is for companies to help hosts and administrators to do everything they can to protect participant privacy and security.“
Influencer: Karriere auf TikTok?
„The Promise – and Risk – of a Career in TikTok – For many young people, being a paid content creator on social media is the dream job. But it’s not as easy as it may look.“