eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.
LTE? 5G? Deutschland lahmt.
„Bundesnetzagentur erhöht Druck auf Netzbetreiber – Die Netzbetreiber bewerben ihren 5G-Ausbau, doch bei der flächendeckenden Abdeckung mit LTE klaffen weiterhin Lücken. Für die meisten Verbraucher wäre es wichtiger, erst einmal die zu schließen. … Bis Ende des Jahres 2019 sollten demnach 98 Prozent der deutschen Haushalte mit einer Download-Geschwindigkeit von mindestens 50 Megabit pro Sekunde versorgt sein. … Die drei großen Netzbetreiber mussten der Bundesnetzagentur zu Jahresbeginn melden, wie viel Prozent der deutschen Haushalte sie mit LTE-Mobilfunk versorgen können. Bundesweit meldeten die Telekom und Vodafone jeweils mehr als 98 Prozent der Haushalte, Telefónica (O2) hingegen nur gut 84 Prozent. … Mittlerweile arbeiten die Betreiber bereits mit Hochdruck an der Ausbreitung der 5G-Netze. Da viele Smartphones diese Technik jedoch noch gar nicht unterstützen, ist die flächendeckende und stabile Abdeckung mit LTE, also 4G, für die meisten Verbraucher bislang deutlich wichtiger.“
eLearning an Hochschulen?
„Zwischen Technikschub und Überforderung: Semesterstart in Coronazeiten – Die Corona-Krise zwingt Hochschulen in ganz Deutschland, quasi über Nacht auf digitale Lehre umzustellen. Chancen und Scheitern liegen nah beieinander. … Doch selbst, wenn die nötige Technik vorhanden ist: Nicht alle Lehrinhalte können problemlos digital vermittelt werden. Eine Schwierigkeit: Pflichtpraktika. … Ein weiteres Problem zeigt sich bei der Literatursuche – die Bibliotheken sind weitgehend geschlossen. … Die Online-Lehre ist noch weit entfernt von der Präsenzlehre. … Vor dem Hintergrund all dieser Hürden haben sich rund 20 Studierendenvertretungen deutschlandweit dafür ausgesprochen, das Sommersemester als ‚Kann-Semester‘ zu werten. In einer Petition fordern sie neben einer Aussetzung der Regelstudienzeit und der freiwilligen Nutzung von Lehrangeboten auch die Verschiebung aller Fristen und das Recht, Prüfungen wiederholen zu können.“
China Blockchain Service Network
„Inside China’s Plan to Power Global Blockchain Adoption – China is about to launch its national blockchain platform, part of the country’s grand strategy to lead the digital transformation of the world economy. – Led by the State Information Center, the Blockchain Service Network (BSN) is poised to launch for domestic commercial use Wednesday and globally on April 25. If it works as envisioned, companies and software developers will be able to plug into the BSN and build blockchain-based applications as easily as assembling Lego sets. … ‚China is doing what they say they would do,‘ Yeung said. ‚Their virtual currency may be rolled out within a year. And they are doing it, at least the infrastructure piece, even with everyone locked up during COVID time for the past 90 days.‘ … However, Yeung believes the Chinese government wants to be able to track everything with the network. – ‚There is nothing decentralized about BSN,‘ she said, arguing the setup will help the government to fight fraud.“
Cisco bietet Zahlungsaufschübe
„Cisco offers big payment deferrals until 2021 as companies seek remote-work tools – Cisco Systems Inc … on Tuesday launched a $2.5 billion financing program that lets its customers defer 95% of payments until 2021, giving companies additional leeway at time when some are facing a cash crunch but also need more remote-work tools. – As the coronavirus forces many businesses to operate entirely online, many of them have adopted or boosted usage of video conferencing and virtual private network software, including Cisco’s Webex and AnyConnect. The surge in internet activity has also increased usage of networking equipment that Cisco also sells. … Its new program will be initially available in 19 locations, including the United States, Greater China, India and Germany. Hardware, software and services are covered, as are some fees charged by Cisco’s sales and installation partners.“
YouTube Video Builder für Werbung
„YouTube launches a free, DIY tool for businesses in need of short video ads – YouTube today is launching a new tool aimed at small businesses that need a simple, low-cost way to create videos, but may not have the creative experience or technical know-how required to do so. The YouTube Video Builder, as the new tool is simply called, has been in testing with a small group of customers for months but has been rushed to launch more publicly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, where in-person video shoots are no longer an option, and many small businesses are strapped for cash.“
F@H wird zum Supercomputer
„The coronavirus pandemic turned Folding@Home into an exaFLOP supercomputer – Folding@Home had settled into a low-profile niche. Then came COVID-19. – Almost 20 years ago, faculty in the chemistry department of Stanford University launched a distributed computing project called Folding@Home (F@H). They sought to understand how proteins self-organize and why this process sometimes goes wrong, causing issues such as cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease. – F@H hit its pinnacle of mindshare – and performance – in 2007, when Sony added it to the PlayStation 3. But like many other projects, it saw a gradual decline in its popularity since. This past March, however, F@H saw a sudden resurgence. Thanks to a confluence of events, notably including the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Folding@Home broke the exaFLOP barrier at least one or two years before Intel, AMD, IBM, or Cray could do it. Here’s how those events played out.“
Ars Technica
Google entwickelt eigenen Chip
„Scoop: Google readies its own chip for future Pixels, Chromebooks – Google has made significant progress toward developing its own processor to power future versions of its Pixel smartphone as soon as next year – and eventually Chromebooks as well, Axios has learned. … The chip, code-named Whitechapel, was designed in cooperation with Samsung, whose state-of-the-art 5-nanometer technology would be used to manufacture the chips, according to a source familiar with Google’s effort. Samsung has also manufactured Apple’s iPhone chips, as well as its own Exynos processors.“