eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.
Impfpass auf der Blockchain
„New York launches nation’s first ‚vaccine passports.‘ Others are working on similar ideas, but many details must be worked out. – Starting Friday, New Yorkers will be able to pull up a code on their cell phone or a printout to prove they’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19 or recently tested negative for the virus that causes it. … Like an airline boarding pass, people will be able to prove their health status with a digital QR code – or ‚quick response‘ machine-readable label. … The New York system, built on IBM’s digital health pass platform, is provided via blockchain technology, so neither IBM nor any business will have access to private medical information. An entertainment venue will simply scan the QR code and get a green check or a red X. … In addition to IBM, open-source computer experts, who provide code anyone can use for free, have been developing such systems, as have retailers like Walmart, which is also offering digital proof of vaccination to anyone who gets a shot in one of its pharmacies. … Already, scammers are selling fake CDC vaccination identification cards on sites like Craigslist, eBay, and OfferUp, Chad Anderson, a senior security researcher for Domaintools, a group tracking cyber threats told WMAQ, the NBC station in Chicago. Some of the cards are being sold for up to $200.“
USA Today
RPA: Robotic Process Automation
„The robots are coming for your office – A conversation with NYT’s Kevin Roose on how robotic automation will impact our future – AsAs the editor-in-chief of The Verge, I can theoretically assign whatever I want. However, there is one topic I have failed to get people at The Verge to write about for years: robotic process automation, or RPA. – Admittedly, it’s not that exciting, but it’s an increasingly important kind of workplace automation. RPA isn’t robots in factories, which is often what we think of when it comes to automation. This is different: RPA is software. Software that uses other software, like Excel or an Oracle database.“
The Verge
Unis & Zoom: Kosten & Probleme
„So viel bezahlen Hochschulen für Zoom – In der Pandemie sind Präsenzveranstaltungen für Hochschulen kaum möglich. Sie müssen in den digitalen Raum ausweichen. Aber zu welchen Anbietern? Viele Unis setzen auf den US-Anbieter ‚Zoom‚, trotz massiver Sicherheits– und Datenschutzlöcher. Wie viel das gekostet hat, zeigen die Ergebnisse unserer Anfragen in ganz Deutschland. … Rechnet man die Ausgaben der Hochschulen aus den Antworten zusammen, haben sie Zoom im Jahr 2020 insgesamt 2.764.771 Euro bezahlt. Überschlagen auf alle Hochschulen, zu denen keine Daten vorliegen, haben deutsche Hochschulen etwa 6,4 Millionen Euro an das US-Unternehmen gezahlt. … Neben Zoom gibt es einige, mindestens genau so gute Alternativen. Studierende aus Darmstadt und Karlsruhe betreiben in ihrer Freizeit das Projekt Senfcall. Basierend auf dem quelloffenen System ‚BigBlueButton‚ bieten sie kostenlose, datenschutz-respektierende Videokonferenzen an.“
Microsoft Exchange gefährdet
„Exchange Server attacks: Microsoft shares intelligence on post-compromise activities – If you’re cleaning up a infected Exchange server, you need to look for traces of multiple threats, warns Microsoft. – Many on-premises Exchange servers are being patched, but Microsoft warns that its investigations have found multiple threats lurking on already-compromised systems. – Microsoft is raising an alarm over potential follow-on attacks targeting already compromised Exchange servers, especially if the attackers used web shell scripts to gain persistence on the server, or where the attacker stole credentials during earlier attacks.“