eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.

Trump bleibt verbannt

Oversight Board upholds former President Trump’s suspension, finds Facebook failed to impose proper penalty – „The Board has upheld Facebook’s decision on January 7, 2021, to restrict then-President Donald Trump’s access to posting content on his Facebook page and Instagram account. – However, it was not appropriate for Facebook to impose the indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension. Facebook’s normal penalties include removing the violating content, imposing a time-bound period of suspension, or permanently disabling the page and account. – The Board insists that Facebook review this matter to determine and justify a proportionate response that is consistent with the rules that are applied to other users of its platform. Facebook must complete its review of this matter within six months of the date of this decision. The Board also made policy recommendations for Facebook to implement in developing clear, necessary, and proportionate policies that promote public safety and respect freedom of expression.“

Oversight Board

Facebook has no reason to ever resolve the Trump ban – If you want a final ruling, you came to the wrong place – After months of waiting, today Facebook’s Oversight Board finally handed down the biggest ruling of its short existence – the question of whether to uphold the ban on Donald Trump. The verdict? Send the question back to Facebook, and give them six more months to decide. – In fairness, it wasn’t quite that bad. The initial ban was upheld, and the board made specific rulings on the questions of whether Trump’s posts were inciting violence, and whether world leaders should get special treatment. For now, Facebook can continue to block Trump, which means that on the face of it, this is a win for anti-Trumpers. Unless you’re visiting his self-hosted website, you’ll remain blessedly safe from Trump posts. … But there’s a deeper logic to the ruling, one that benefits both the Oversight Board and Facebook itself. As a Pew Research poll showed this morning, America is split over the question of whether Trump should be on Facebook, and a final ruling is sure to alienate one side or another. So from Facebook’s perspective, the less final this ruling is, the better.“

The Verge

Americans divided on whether Trump should be permanently banned from social media – Americans are split on whether former President Donald Trump should be barred from social media. Some 49% of U.S. adults say Trump’s accounts should be permanently banned from social media, while half say they should not be. But views are deeply divided along partisan lines, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.“


Facebook Neighborhoods

Facebook takes on Nextdoor with Neighborhoods tool – The social network is testing the feature in Canada and four US cities first. … Facebook users have to be at least 18 years old to use the new tool, which will allow people find neighbors who have common interests, discover local groups and businesses, participate in polls along with receiving and offering help to those in their communities.“


IT-Jobmarkt: Arbeitslosigkeit?

„Arbeitslosigkeit in der IT: Je länger, desto schlimmer – Trotz starkem Anstieg bei Arbeitslosen herrscht Vollbeschäftigung am ITArbeitsmarkt. Problematisch ist aber die Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit. – Die Pandemie hat den für resistent gehaltenen IT-Arbeitsmarkt fest im Würgegriff. Die Zahl der arbeitslos gemeldeten IT-Fachkräfte ging seit 2015 stetig zurück und ist aber 2020 kräftig um 29 Prozent gestiegen. Viele Arbeitsmarktexperten gingen von einem temporären Effekt aus, der rasch verschwindet, weil IT-Fachpersonal in Zeiten der Digitalisierung allerorten unersetzbar ist.“


Chia: Teamgroup Farming-SSD

Kryptowährung Chia: 2 Exabyte überschritten und erstmalig handelbar – Infolge der Kryptowährung Chia hat Teamgroup eine besonders langlebige ‚Farming‘-SSD vorgestellt. … Das Konzept ist derweil nicht neu: Ein Leser hat uns auf Burstcoin aufmerksam gemacht, den es seit 2014 gibt. .. Das ‚Farmen‘ lohnt sich also nur mit viel Kapazität und ist für die meisten Privatanwender:innen uninteressant.“
