eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.

Videokonferenzen endlich überall!

Videoconferencing apps saw a record 62M downloads during one week in March – Work-from-home policies, social distancing and government lockdowns have increased the demand for video conferencing apps, for both business and personal use. According to a new report from App Annie, out on Monday, business conferencing apps have been experiencing record growth as a result, and just hit their biggest week ever in March, when they topped 62 million downloads during the week of March 14-21. Meanwhile, social networking video app Houseparty has also seen phenomenal growth in Europe during lockdowns and home quarantines.“


Sichere Videokonferenzsoftware

  • Jitsi [Web]: E2E-verschlüsselt, Open Source für Web, Android, iOS
  • Signal [Web]: E2E-verschlüsselt, Open Source für Andorid, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows
  • Wire [Web]: E2E-verschlüsselt, Open Source für Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows
  • Blizz (Teamviewer) [Web]: E2E-verschlüsselt, proprietär für Android, iOS, macOS, Windows
  • ClickMeeting [Web]: E2E-verschlüsselt, proprietär für Web, Andorid, iOS
  • FaceTime (Apple) [Web]: E2E-verschlüsselt, proprietär für iOS, macOS
  • Webex [Web]: E2E-verschlüsselt, proprietär für Web, Android, iOS, macOS, Windows

Teams & Skype / Teams vs Skype?

Microsoft announces Teams for consumers, Skype daily active users up 70% to 40 million – As part of its Microsoft 365 for consumers news today, the company announced Microsoft Teams for consumers and new Skype metrics. Skype has passed 40 million daily active users, an increase of 70% month over month. Furthermore, Skype to Skype calling minutes are up 220% month over month. Less than two weeks ago, Microsoft shared that Teams usage exploded 110% in the past four months. … Microsoft wants you to use Skype for your personal life ‚in the meantime.‘ Until Microsoft Teams gets these features, consumers should continue to use Skype. This suggests that for consumers, Skype’s days are numbered, much as Skype for Business is being phased out in favor of Microsoft Teams.“


Houseparty: der Newcomer

Zoom Is Dead. Long Live Houseparty – Video chat platform Houseparty is now the number one app in the iOS store in Australia, Canada, and the U.K. – With the coronavirus exacerbating mental health issues, anxiety, and a sense of loneliness, Houseparty offers a quick way to connect.“


Zoom: Datenschutz-Probleme?

„Ok, Zoomer – Kaum ein Dienst profitiert so sehr von der Corona-Krise wie der Videodienst Zoom. Doch es gibt Kritik am Datenschutz. Zu Recht? … Zoom pauschal zu verteufeln, ist sicher überzogen. Klar ist aber auch: Das Gutunternehmertum-Image, das Geschäftsführer Eric Yuan seiner Firma jetzt gern verpassen würde, ist nicht so haltbar, wie es auf den ersten Blick scheint. Vieles, was Zoom derzeit tut, passt ins Bild einer Firma, die schnell wachsen will und darum alles für eine möglichst reibungsfreie Nutzung tut – während bei Privatsphäre und Sicherheit erst nachgebessert wird, wenn Kritik hochkocht. Wie so oft müssen Nutzerinnen und Nutzer daher abwägen, wo ihre Prioritäten liegen – auf dem reibungslosen Funktionieren ihres Videokonferenzdienstes oder auf Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit.“


Airbnb: Coronavirus-Stornierungen

Airbnb announced it will allow guests to receive full refunds for trips starting on or before May 31 that were booked prior to March 14 as the company continues to struggle through the coronavirus’ impact on the travel industry. – The company will also pay $250 million to hosts to cover the costs of coronavirus cancellations. Specifically, Airbnb will pay hosts 25% of what they would normally receive through their cancellation policies. – Airbnb employees have donated to a $10 million fund that will go toward the company’s Superhosts and long-tenured Experience hosts.“


Meetup geht an AlleyCorp

„Exclusive: WeWork is selling Meetup to AlleyCorp for a fraction of its 2017 price – WeWork is selling Meetup, the social network that encourages people to get together in person, to AlleyCorp and a team of private investors, the coworking company has confirmed to Fortune. – The sale comes just days after WeWork’s majority owner, SoftBank, announced a $41 billion asset sale to help it weather the downturn in the global economy because of the spread of the coronavirus. Both WeWork and AlleyCorp declined to share the purchase price, but several sources privy to the discussions say it was a fraction of the $156 million that WeWork paid for Meetup in 2017.“
