eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.

Wissenschaft: Künstliche Intelligenz

„AI ‚dominated scientific output‚ in recent years, UNESCO report shows – The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) today unveiled its latest Science Report. The massive undertaking – this year’s report totals 762 pages, compiled by 70 authors from 52 countries over 18 months – is published every five years to examine current trends in science governance. This latest edition includes discussion of the rapid progress toward Industry 4.0 and, for the first time, a deep analysis of AI and robotics research around the globe. Going beyond just the global leaders, it offers an overview of almost two dozen countries and global regions, examining AI research, funding, strategies, and more. Overall, the report determines ‚it is the field of AI and robotics that dominated scientific output‘ in recent years.“


Bitcoin: Taproot & Lateinamerika

Bitcoin just got its first makeover in four years, which will help it compete with Ethereum – The first bitcoin upgrade in four years has just been approved by miners around the world. It’s called Taproot, and it’s due to take effect in November. … Taproot … will mean greater transaction privacy and efficiency – and crucially, it will unlock the potential for smart contracts, a key feature of its blockchain technology which eliminates middlemen from even the most complex transactions. … Taproot has near universal support, in part because these changes are fairly incremental improvements to the code.“


„For Latin American politicians, Bitcoin is a PR goldmineEl Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele set off a movement for political opportunists and crypto-enthusiasts alike. … Latin American politicians soon followed Bukele’s lead, expressing their own interest in adopting the cryptocurrency as legal tender in the following days. The trend was propelled by a global community of crypto-enthusiasts, often with little knowledge of these countries’ local contexts. Tyler Winklevoss, of The Social Network fame, tweeted: ‚First they ignore you, then suddenly Paraguay, Argentina, Panama, Brazil, El Salvador, and Nicaragua embrace #Bitcoin.'“

Rest of World

ByteDance Cloud: Volcano Engine

ByteDance finally makes its ’secret sauce‘ techs available for the public – With a new brand called Volcano Engine, ByteDance is now making the technologies that drove the success of TikTok, Douyin, Toutiao, etc., available as a commercialized service to enterprise clients for the first time … covering its recommendation algorithms, audiovisual technologies, data insight services, cloud computing solutions, and more.“


Drohnen: Bundeswehr chancenlos

„Gegen Drohnen unterlegen: Bundeswehr hätte ‚kaum eine Chance gehabt‘ – Der Einsatz von Drohnen als Waffe hat militärische Kräfteverhältnisse verändert. Die Denkfabrik der Bundeswehr zeichnet ein düsteres Szenario. – Deutschland ist nach einer Analyse der Bundeswehr-Denkfabrik GIDS kaum gerüstet gegen die immer komplexer werdende Technik für Angriffe mit Kampfdrohnen. Die Experten des Hamburger Thinktanks haben dazu den internationalen Markt sowie den Verlauf der Kämpfe um Berg-Karabach untersucht, wo Aserbaidschan im vergangenen Jahr Armenien mit Drohnen besiegt hatte. – ‚Um es mal ganz drastisch auszudrücken: Wenn die Bundeswehr in diesem konkreten Konflikt gegen Aserbaidschan hätte kämpfen müssen, hätte sie kaum eine Chance gehabt‘, stellt Oberstleutnant Michael Karl fest, GIDS-Experte für moderne Kriegsführung und neue Technologien.“
