eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.

Amazon: Handscan bezahlt

Amazon will now let you pay with your palm in its stores – Amazon accounts for nearly 40 percent of e-commerce sales in the US today, and it takes a cut of even more online shopping by selling payments services and other technologies to external shopping sites. Now, the online retail giant is making a play to grab a piece of brick-and-mortar shopping, too – and it wants customers to literally lend a hand to do it. – Amazon on Tuesday is unveiling a new biometric technology called Amazon One that allows shoppers to pay at stores by placing their palm over a scanning device when they walk in the door or when they check out. The first time they register to use this tech, a customer will scan their palm and insert their payment card at a terminal; after that, they can simply pay with their hand. The hand-scanning tech isn’t just for Amazon’s own stores – the company hopes to sell it to other retailers, including competitors, too.“


Einkaufszentren werden Händler

„Mall Owners Become Retailers Amidst the Pandemic – The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent store closures have brought new momentum to the decline of brick-and-mortar retailing, especially malls. – More than 50 percent of the department stores that anchor malls in the U.S. will permanently close by the end of 2021, according to real estate investment firm Green Street Advisors. There are about 1,000 malls in the U.S., a number that can no longer be supported as more people buy online. … Many retail analysts are dubious that mall warehouse space can co-exist with retail use, especially in high-end malls. Shoppers do not want to walk past an industrial space on their way to a luxury retail store. – Moreover, when an operator owns a retailer, others in the same mall may view their landlord as a competitor. Some may choose to move to another location without the friction. – Mall operators are real estate experts, not necessarily retail specialists. Turning around already struggling chain stores will not be easy.“

Practical Ecommerce

Streckenradar in Deutschland

„Gericht erlaubt bundesweit erstes Streckenradar – An der B6 in Laatzen bei Hannover darf das Streckenradar in Betrieb genommen werden. Das hat das Bundesverwaltungsgericht entschieden. 2019 waren Datenschützer gegen das Vorhaben vor Gericht gezogen und hatten Erfolg – allerdings nur kurzfristig: Die Anlage ging wieder in Betrieb, als das niedersächsische Oberverwaltungsgericht die Klage im November 2019 abwies und keine Revision zulassen wollte. Gegen diese Entscheidung wurde geklagt. Das Bundesverwaltungsgericht hat diesen Antrag nunmehr abgewiesen. … Zum Messen der Geschwindigkeit einzelner Fahrzeuge müssen deren Kennzeichen erfasst und zumindest kurzzeitig gespeichert werden. Dann werden sie anonymisiert, bis klar ist, wer zu schnell gefahren ist. Diese Fahrzeuge werden nochmals abgelichtet. Erst nach Durchfahren der überwachten Strecke ist schließlich klar, wer zu schnell war. Die Kennzeichen dieser Fahrzeuge werden für die Bußgeldbescheide genutzt, die anderen verworfen.“


Neue Emojis in iOS 14.2

„First Look: New Emojis in iOS 14.2 – The wait is nearly over for iOS users: bubble tea, a transgender flag, seal, feather and more emojis are included in the latest iOS beta. – iOS 14.2 beta 2 was released to developers today, meaning these new emojis are coming to a public release in the coming weeks. – While Apple previewed a subset of its 2020 emoji updates in July, the majority have not been seen until today.“
