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Was bedeutet „Cancel Culture“?
„Americans and ‚Cancel Culture‚: Where Some See Calls for Accountability, Others See Censorship, Punishment – People have challenged each other’s views for much of human history. But the internet – particularly social media – has changed how, when and where these kinds of interactions occur. The number of people who can go online and call out others for their behavior or words is immense, and it’s never been easier to summon groups to join the public fray. – The phrase ‚cancel culture‘ is said to have originated from a relatively obscure slang term – ‚cancel,‘ referring to breaking up with someone – used in a 1980s song. … Overall, 44% of Americans say they have heard at least a fair amount about the phrase, including 22% who have heard a great deal, according to the Center’s survey of 10,093 U.S. adults, conducted Sept. 8-13, 2020. … How do Americans define ‚cancel culture‘? … The most common responses by far centered around accountability. Some 49% of those familiar with the term said it describes actions people take to hold others accountable… Some 14% of adults who had heard at least a fair amount about cancel culture described it as a form of censorship, such as a restriction on free speech or as history being erased… A similar share (12%) characterized cancel culture as mean-spirited attacks used to cause others harm… Overall, 58% of U.S. adults say in general, calling out others on social media is more likely to hold people accountable, while 38% say it is more likely to punish people who don’t deserve it.“
Google Workspace: Smart Chips
„Google Workspace turns to ‘smart chips’ to weave Docs, Tasks, and Meet together – Google is launching a slate of new features for its Workspace productivity suite today, starting with new ’smart chips‘ that connect Google Docs to other products. Just like you can tag people with an @symbol, starting today, you can use it to specialize links inside docs that hook up other files or meetings. They’re part of what Google is calling the ’smart canvas,‘ a new initiative that promises to increase the cadence of product improvements for Workspace.“
The Verge
„Google’s Docs dilemma – Why the biggest improvements in years might not be enough – The relative stagnation of Docs in a rapidly evolving world of productivity tools has been an ongoing fascination for me. When I’m writing for myself, I use slick, modern tools like Notion, Bear and (more recently) Substack. But when I write for others, it’s most often in Docs, which launched 15 years ago and looks more or less the same as it has since the late 2000s. … On the other hand, though, you have the upstarts: beautiful, feature-rich, fast-iterating products like Notion, Coda, and Airtable. What these products lack in the lowest-common-denominator simplicity of Google Workspace is more than made up for in power and flexibility. The learning curve is real – I think I tinkered with Notion for six months before I figured out how it really fit in my life, which isn’t much of an endorsement – but before today’s announcements using Docs has come to feel like going back in time.“
Googles Page-Experience vs AMP
„Keine Vorteile mehr durch AMP: Google vollzieht Kehrtwende – Ab Mitte Juni 2021 wird Googles Page-Experience-Update greifen und damit eine Technologie überflüssig machen, die das Unternehmen über Jahre unbedingt durchsetzen wollte: AMP – Accelerated Mobile Pages. … All das bedeutet indes nicht, dass Google AMP komplett abschaffen will. Vielmehr wird die Technologie zu einer von vielen. Schließlich ist es nicht so, dass AMP für jedermann nachteilig gewesen ist. Besonders News-Outlets oder Betreiber von WordPress-Seiten haben den Standard gern genutzt. Mit einem oder mehreren Plugins konnte so auf einfache Weise eine Google-taugliche Mobilseite der eigenen Inhalte generiert werden. Zusätzlicher Entwickleraufwand war danach nicht mehr erforderlich. Wer also auch weiterhin diesen Vorteil für sich nutzen will, kann das bedenkenlos tun. Er darf nur nicht mehr mit einer bevorzugten Behandlung rechnen. AMP ist jedenfalls nicht tot.“
TikTok: ByteDance mit neuem CEO
„ByteDance founder Zhang Yiming to step down as CEO by end of 2021 – Zhang Yiming, the storied co-founder of ByteDance, is stepping down from his role as the CEO and passing the torch to Liang Rubo, another co-founder of the TikTok parent and one of the world’s most valuable internet juggernauts. – In an internal letter to employees, 38-year-old age Zhang said he is making the transition to spend more time on ‚long-term strategy, corporate culture, and social responsibility.'“ – Zhang will work side by side with Liang, currently ByteDance’s head of human resources and his college classmate, over the next six months to ensure a smooth transition. Zhang will remain as a member of the board at ByteDance.“
Internet Explorer (IE) geht in Rente
„Microsoft is finally retiring Internet Explorer in 2022 – Internet Explorer will no longer be supported in June 2022 – Microsoft is finally retiring Internet Explorer next year, after more than 25 years. The aging web browser has largely been unused by most consumers for years, but Microsoft is putting the final nail in the Internet Explorer coffin on June 15th, 2022, by retiring it in favor of Microsoft Edge. … The alternative for most businesses will be Microsoft Edge with IE mode. Microsoft created its IE mode for Edge a couple of years ago, and it has allowed businesses to adopt the new Chromium-based browser for older legacy websites. IE mode supports older ActiveX controls and legacy sites, which are surprisingly still used by many businesses.“
The Verge