eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.

Coronavirus vs Privatsphäre?

European mobile operators share data for coronavirus fight – Mobile carriers are sharing data with the health authorities in Italy, Germany and Austria, helping to fight coronavirus by monitoring whether people are complying with curbs on movement while at the same time respecting Europe’s privacy laws. … However, privacy advocates are skeptical about whether sharing customer data is useful or proportionate, even in a time of crisis. One said that, if people know their phones are being tracked, they will just leave them at home.“


„Coronavirus-Krise: Bundesjustizministerin lehnt Handyortung ab – Gesundheitsminister Spahn wollte Infizierte und Kontaktpersonen per Handydaten orten – kurz darauf hat die Justizministerin den Plan schon wieder verworfen. – Bereits einen Tag nach Bekanntwerden des Plans von Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn, Handy-Verkehrsdaten von Mobilfunkbetreibern zur Ortung von Infizierten und Kontakten auszuwerten, ist dieser schon wieder vom Tisch. Bundesjustizministerin Christine Lambrecht (SPD) stellte im ARD-‚Bericht aus Berlin‘ klar, dass das Vorhaben gesetzgeberisch nicht weiter verfolgt werde. Vorerst genüge es, wenn Mobilfunkbetreiber dem Robert-Koch-Institut anonymisierte Bewegungsdaten zu Auswertungen zur Verfügung stellen. … Fachleute sind sich inzwischen weitgehend einig, dass höchstens aus GPS-Daten annähernd aussagekräftige Schlussfolgerungen zu Infektionsrisiken gezogen werden können.“


UK ohne staatliches Alarmsystem

„Government ignored advice to set up UK emergency alert system – Failure to follow up on trials mean there is no ability to send coronavirus advice to mobiles – The government does not have the ability to send advice on coronavirus directly to Britons’ mobile phones, after repeatedly ignoring its own findings that an emergency messaging system could help the country in times of crisis.“


Disney+ boomt in der Krise

„Exclusive: Disney+ Sees Huge Subscription Spike As Homebound Audiences Clamor For Content – As Americans brace for spending weeks (or months) inside as the coronavirus pandemic spreads, they are subscribing to additional streaming services, with Disney+ proving to be far and away the most popular choice.“


Slack not worried about Microsoft

„Why Slack’s CEO says he’s not worried about MicrosoftStewart Butterfield says there is lots of room for a specific software product like Slack to exist, even in a world of enterprise giants: ‚Go find me a company that spends more than 10% of its software budget with a single vendor.‘ – ‚We should always be doing what a smart, well-informed customer would have us be doing.‘ – Butterfield thinks his company has an opportunity to improve the modern state of workplace communication, which has always been one of the biggest challenges in running any kind of complex business. Around 12 million people use Slack every day, and those people spend an average of 90 minutes engaged with the product, rivaling email and (these days) Twitter as office-worker obsessions. … Even before the pandemic, Slack was facing headwinds as investors feared Microsoft intended to blunt the word-of-mouth success Slack enjoyed inside Silicon Valley circles with its top-down approach to seeding Teams into workplaces that had yet to modernize their collaboration tools. All bets are off at the moment, given the business disruption that almost all companies will face over the next few months, but Butterfield thinks that customers who embrace its vision of channel-based messaging will never go back to the tools of the past.“


The Lampster – aus 2016

The coolest lamp you ever had – The head of the lamp is made from old tractor headlights using the original 40 year old molds. We are inviting you to see the incredible story of the Lampster, the tractor headlight smart lamp. … Controlled by touch or controlled by your mobile device, you can do it both. You can use it as a reading light or you can adjust it to a certain color and certain color intensity. The App has multiple smart features like wake up alarm, sync to music, off timer and real time voltage, amperage and temperature reading along with a vintage and very cool design. It is available for both Android and iOS.“

The Lampster auf Kickstarter