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Facebook löscht weiter langsam
„Revealed: the Facebook loophole that lets world leaders deceive and harass their citizens – A Guardian investigation exposes the breadth of state-backed manipulation of the platform – Facebook has repeatedly allowed world leaders and politicians to use its platform to deceive the public or harass opponents despite being alerted to evidence of the wrongdoing. … The investigation shows how Facebook has allowed major abuses of its platform in poor, small and non-western countries in order to prioritize addressing abuses that attract media attention or affect the US and other wealthy countries. … Facebook pledged to combat state-backed political manipulation of its platform after the historic fiasco of the 2016 US election, when Russian agents used inauthentic Facebook accounts to deceive and divide American voters. – But the company has repeatedly failed to take timely action when presented with evidence of rampant manipulation and abuse of its tools by political leaders around the world. … The loophole has remained open due to a lack of enforcement, and it appears that it is currently being used by the ruling party of Azerbaijan to leave millions of harassing comments on the Facebook Pages of independent news outlets and Azerbaijani opposition politicians.“
The Guardian
Lokalisierte Kontaktverfolgung
„NHS Covid-19 app update blocked for breaking Apple and Google’s rules – An update to England and Wales’s contact tracing app has been blocked for breaking the terms of an agreement made with Apple and Google. – The plan had been to ask users to upload logs of venue check-ins – carried out via poster barcode scans – if they tested positive for the virus. This could be used to warn others. – The update had been timed to coincide with the relaxation of lockdown rules. – But the two firms had explicitly banned such a function from the start. … The tech firms‘ Exposure Notifications System FAQ states that apps involved must ’not share location data from the user’s device with the public health authority, Apple, or Google‘.“
„Fast 20 Millionen Euro für Luca – Zahlreiche Bundesländer wollen mit der App eine Rückkehr zum normalen Alltag ermöglichen und haben Verträge mit den Betreibern abgeschlossen. Doch es mehrt sich die Kritik an fehlenden Vergabeverfahren und hohen Kosten. – Die Betreiber von Luca erhalten knapp 20 Millionen Euro von den Bundesländern, in denen die App landesweit eingesetzt werden soll. Das geht aus Antworten hervor, die netzpolitik.org von den zuständigen Staatskanzleien und Ministerien erhalten hat. So zahlt etwa Bayern 5,5 Millionen Euro für eine Jahreslizenz, in Hessen sind es mehr als zwei Millionen, in Sachsen-Anhalt rund eine Million. Angaben aus Rheinland-Pfalz und dem Saarland stehen noch aus. … Die Kosten für Luca in den bislang 13 Bundesländern, die die App verwenden wollen, soll nach Angaben der rheinland-pfälzische Ministerpräsidentin Malu Dreyer der Bund übernehmen. Die Bundesregierung zahlte im Vorjahr 68 Millionen Euro für Entwicklung, Wartung und Betrieb der Corona-Warn-App, die ebenfalls eine Check-in-Funktion erhält.“
Brave vs FLoC und Tracking
„A Step in the Wrong Direction – FLoC is a recent Google proposal that would have your browser share your browsing behavior and interests by default with every site and advertiser with which you interact. Brave opposes FLoC, along with any other feature designed to share information about you and your interests without your fully informed consent. To protect Brave users, Brave has removed FLoC in the Nightly version of both Brave for desktop and Android. The privacy-affecting aspects of FLoC have never been enabled in Brave releases; the additional implementation details of FLoC will be removed from all Brave releases with this week’s stable release. Brave is also disabling FLoC on our websites, to protect Chrome users learning about Brave. … The worst aspect of FLoC is that it materially harms user privacy, under the guise of being privacy-friendly. Others have already detailed many of the ways FLoC is privacy harming. We note here just three aspects of FLoC that are particularly harmful and concerning. … FLoC harms privacy directly and by design: FLoC shares information about your browsing behavior with sites and advertisers that otherwise wouldn’t have access to that information. Unambiguously, FLoC tells sites about your browsing history in a new way that browsers categorically do not today. … FLoC adds an enormous amount of fingerprinting surface to the browser, as the whole point of the feature is for sites to be able to distinguish between user interest-group cohorts.“
KI mit Nvidia Grace & Jarvis
„NVIDIA Unveils Grace: A High-Performance Arm Server CPU For Use In Big AI Systems – Kicking off another busy Spring GPU Technology Conference for NVIDIA, this morning the graphics and accelerator designer is announcing that they are going to once again design their own Arm-based CPU/SoC. Dubbed Grace – after Grace Hopper, the computer programming pioneer and US Navy rear admiral – the CPU is NVIDIA’s latest stab at more fully vertically integrating their hardware stack by being able to offer a high-performance CPU alongside their regular GPU wares. According to NVIDIA, the chip is being designed specifically for large-scale neural network workloads, and is expected to become available in NVIDIA products in 2023.“
„Nvidia launches Jarvis conversational AI framework in general availability – At its GTC 2021, Nvidia this morning announced the general availability of its Jarvis framework, which provides developers with pretrained AI models and software tools to create interactive conversational experiences. Nvidia says that Jarvis models, which first became available in May 2020 in preview, offer automatic speech recognition, as well as language understanding, real-time language translations, and text-to-speech capabilities for conversational agents.“