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Kontaktverfolgung ohne App

Apple and Google announce new automatic app system to track COVID exposures – States can now deploy exposure notifications without building their own apps – Apple and Google are launching a new auto-generated software framework to help states deploy their own contact tracing apps. Developed as an extension of the earlier exposure notification framework, the new system allows public health authorities to avoid the broader development work of launching a standalone app, simply configuring the basic framework to their state’s needs. Existing applications won’t be affected by the new framework, and adopting the framework won’t prevent states from launching more involved apps in the future. … The framework allows for interoperability between states, with the ability to notify Virginia app users about exposures from Maryland app users, for example. In July, the APHL launched a national key server to allow more streamlined interoperability between state agencies. … The iOS version will be built into iOS 13.7, which is set to deploy on Tuesday. Android is planning to deploy the system later this month to all users with Android 6.0 or higher.“

The Verge

Microsoft vs. Deepfake

„New Steps to Combat Disinformation – Today, we’re announcing two new technologies to combat disinformation, new work to help educate the public about the problem, and partnerships to help advance these technologies and educational efforts quickly. … One major issue is deepfakes, or synthetic media, which are photos, videos or audio files manipulated by artificial intelligence (AI) in hard-to-detect ways. … Today, we’re announcing Microsoft Video Authenticator. Video Authenticator can analyze a still photo or video to provide a percentage chance, or confidence score, that the media is artificially manipulated. In the case of a video, it can provide this percentage in real-time on each frame as the video plays. It works by detecting the blending boundary of the deepfake and subtle fading or greyscale elements that might not be detectable by the human eye.“


„Republicans are flooding the internet with deceptive videos and Big Tech isn’t keeping up – A series of deceptively edited and misleading videos shared by prominent Republicans have run up millions of views across Facebook and Twitter in just the past few days. And while both companies have pledged to combat misinformation, their responses to these videos followed a familiar pattern: often they act too late, do too little, or don’t do anything at all. … One that circulated widely was a false video about Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden posted to the Twitter account of House Minority Whip Steve Scalise. After an outcry, including from a person in the video who had words put in his mouth in order to distort what Biden was saying, Twitter took the action it takes in such instances, labeling the video as ‚manipulated media.'“


Twitter Trend-Hintergründe

„Critics want Twitter to halt its trending lists. Instead, Twitter will make tweaks. – Twitter said it would provide more context for trending topics by selecting a ‚representative tweet‘ for some trends. … To start, Twitter said in a blog post, it will provide more context for trending topics by selecting a ‚representative tweet‘ for some trends. A combination of computer algorithms and a human curation team will choose the tweet, according to the company. … The problems have been so persistent that researchers and critics of social media worry that the lists of what’s trending on Twitter are severely distorting the U.S. political debate leading up to the November election.“