eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.

LSR vs Memes

Memes sollen nur noch 128 mal 128 Pixel groß sein – Die Bundesregierung hat einen ersten ‚Diskussionsentwurf‘ für das neue Leistungsschutzrecht veröffentlicht. Dieses schränkt nun auch die Nutzung von Pressefotos und Videos für Memes und Vorschaubilder deutlich ein. … Der neu formulierte Paragraf 87g des Urheberrechtsgesetzes (UrhG) schreibt demnach vor, dass die Überschrift einer Presseveröffentlichung, ‚ein kleinformatiges Vorschaubild mit einer Auflösung von bis zu 128 mal 128 Pixeln‘ und eine „Tonfolge, Bildfolge oder Bild- und Tonfolge mit einer Dauer von bis zu drei Sekunden“ lizenzfrei genutzt werden dürfen. – Nachdem die EU im Frühjahr 2019 ein europaweites Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger beschlossen hatte, müssen die Mitgliedstaaten die Urheberrechtsrichtlinie bis Mitte 2021 umsetzen.“


Tech vs Trump

Microsoft, Reddit, Twitter, others urge federal court to block Trump’s ‚public charge‘ immigration rule – Companies across the country are trying to convince a federal judge that a new change to the U.S. immigration system would hurt innovation and the economy. Leading the effort is Seattle startup Boundless, whose CEO is an example of the type of entrepreneur who might be barred from the U.S. under the new rule. – The so-called ‚public charge‘ rule establishes more rigorous criteria for immigration officials deciding whether to grant legal status to immigrants. Boundless CEO Xiao Wang immigrated from Nanjing, China as a child. He told GeekWire, ‚this rule absolutely would have put my family’s journey to the U.S. at risk.'“


Bewerber vs KI

„There’s a new obstacle to landing a job after college: Getting approved by AI – College career centers used to prepare students for job interviews by helping them learn how to dress appropriately or write a standout cover letter. These days, they’re also trying to brace students for a stark new reality: They may be vetted for jobs in part by artificial intelligence. … „…algorithms consider things such as word usage, pronouns and facial expressions to determine how likely a job candidate is to possess a specific attribute a client is looking for in a certain job, such as empathy or willingness to learn.“


Twitch verliert Topstreamer

Twitch’s loss of top streamers impacts hours watched and streamed in Q4 2019, report says – The loss of several big-name streamers is finally taking its toll on Twitch, according to a new report from StreamLabs and Newzoo out today. In August 2019, top streamer Tyler ‚Ninja‘ Blevins, announced his intention to leave Twitch for Microsoft Mixer. Several others have since defected as well, including competitive gamer Michael ‚Shroud‘ Grzesiek, who went to Mixer in October, Jack ‚CouRage‘ Dunlop, who left in November for YouTube Live, and Jeremy ‚Disguised Toast‘ Wang, who also left in November, but went to Facebook Gaming.“


Microsoft CO2-negativ

Microsoft will be carbon negative by 2030 – While the world will need to reach net zero, those of us who can afford to move faster and go further should do so. That’s why today we are announcing an ambitious goal and a new plan to reduce and ultimately remove Microsoft’s carbon footprint. – By 2030 Microsoft will be carbon negative, and by 2050 Microsoft will remove from the environment all the carbon the company has emitted either directly or by electrical consumption since it was founded in 1975.“
