eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.
Krypto: PayPal und Bitcoin
„PayPal to open up network to cryptocurrencies – PayPal Holdings Inc PYPL.O said on Wednesday it will allow customers to hold bitcoin and other virtual coins in its online wallet and shop using cryptocurrencies at the 26 million merchants on its network. – The new service makes PayPal one of the largest U.S. companies to provide consumers access to cryptocurrencies, which could help bitcoin and rival cryptocurrencies gain wider adoption as viable payment methods.“
„Unpopular Opinion: Why PayPal Enabling Bitcoin Purchases Isn’t All Positive – PayPal supporting Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies undoubtedly buoy the image of the sector and the asset class. It further strengthens the perception of Bitcoin as an established store of value and cryptocurrencies as recognized assets. – But one issue is that PayPal’s integration of crypto assets comes with a catch. At least in the near term, it would not allow users that buy crypto on PayPal to transfer outside of their accounts. In the future, PayPal could allow users to transfer Bitcoin from one account to another but in the immediate future, it won’t be supported.“
„PayPal in Talks to Buy BitGo, Other Crypto Companies: Reports – The outlet specifically mentioned BitGo, a company that provides digital asset custody in the form of cold-storage vaults as well as multi-signature digital wallets. … The Silicon Valley-based company, which applied this year to become a regulated custodian in the state of New York, is geared toward storage and custody for institutional clients, not individuals. – PayPal is moving fast after spending years on crypto’s sidelines.“
„JPMorgan Chase takes on Square and PayPal with smartphone card reader, faster deposits for merchants – That fast funding is offered free, unlike competitors including Square, which typically take a day or more and charge a 1.5% fee to make instant transfers. – The bank designed its QuickAccept card reader, a hardware device that processes card payments via tap, dip or swipe, internally with the help of a team gained from its 2017 WePay acquisition.“
Facebook und die US-Wahl
„Facebook reportedly prepping for possible post-election unrest – Internal tools will be used to slow the spread of viral content and suppress potentially inflammatory posts, the Wall Street Journal reports. … The tools, has previously used in so-called ‚at-risk‘ countries, will help slow the spread of viral content and suppress potentially inflammatory posts, the Journal reported. … Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in September that the US presidential election ‚is not going to be business as usual,‘ adding that he was ‚worried that with our nation so divided and election results potentially taking days or even weeks to be finalized, there could be an increased risk of civil unrest across the country.'“
Telegram und Deepfake Bots
„Deepfake bots on Telegram make the work of creating fake nudes dangerously easy – Bots have been used to create more than 100,000 images – Researchers have discovered a ‚deepfake ecosystem‘ on the messaging app Telegram centered around bots that generate fake nudes on request. Users interacting with these bots say they’re mainly creating nudes of women they know using images taken from social media, which they then share and trade with one another in various Telegram channels.“
The Verge
„Italian authorities are investigating deepfake bots on Telegram – The bots were found to be generating fake nude images of unsuspecting women – The Italian Data Protection Authority has started an investigation into the widespread use of bots that generate fake nude images on messaging app Telegram. The news follows an investigation by security firm Sensity, which found that as of July 2020 more than 100,000 faked images had been generated and shared in public Telegram channels.“
The Verge
CCC: Schon wieder Uploadfilter
„Nicht schon wieder Uploadfilter! – Mit der Terrorist Content Online Regulation (TCO) will die Europäische Kommission die Verbreitung terroristischer Inhalte im Internet verhindern. Doch der nun eingebrachte Vorschlag gefährdet Meinungs-, Presse– und Forschungsfreiheit. Der CCC warnt erneut vor der Einführung von Herausfiltern. – Kurz vor dem Abschluss der Verhandlungen zwischen Parlament, Kommission und den Mitgliedsstaaten versuchen die deutsche Ratspräsidentschaft und die EU-Kommission nun mit einem erneuten Vorstoß, Uploadfilter in die TCO aufzunehmen: Inhalte, die von einem Mitgliedsstaat nach eigenem Ermessen als „terroristisch“ eingestuft werden, sollen innerhalb einer Stunde von Plattformen gelöscht und das erneute Hochladen verhindert werden.“
Sicherheit und Digitalisierung
„c’t deckt auf: Dateien, IoT und Industrieanlagen ungeschützt im Netz – Angriffe auf die IT-Umgebungen von Unternehmen sind mitunter unglaublich einfach. Wir haben das Internet systematisch nach ungesicherten Servern durchsucht. – Die IT-Umgebungen von Unternehmen anzugreifen, ist manches Mal unfassbar einfach. Häufig kann man Daten abgreifen oder Industriesteuerungen übernehmen, ohne überhaupt Sicherheitsmechanismen umgehen zu müssen. Die c’t-Redaktion hat deshalb den Portscanner angeworfen und das gesamte Internet abgesucht. Dabei ist sie auf jede Menge ungeschützte Freigaben gestoßen, sie entdeckte ungesicherte Industrieanlagen und unverschlüsselte Pager-Netze ebenso wie viel zu gesprächige WordPress-Installationen.“