eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.

Ban Biometric Surveillance

„Some surveillance technologies are so dangerous that they inevitably cause far more problems than they solve. The use of facial recognition and remote biometric technologies in publicly accessible spaces enables mass surveillance and discriminatory targeted surveillance. In such cases, the potential for abuse is too great, and the consequences too severe. – We must ban such practices once and for all. More than 175 civil society organizations, activists, technologists, and other experts around the world have already joined together to sign the open letter below calling on decision makers to stand up against rights-abusing uses of biometric surveillance technologies. Will you join us to #BanBS?“

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Gesichtserkennung: Globaler Appell zum Verbot biometrischer Überwachung – 175 zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen, Aktivisten und Forscher aus der ganzen Welt fordern ein Verbot des Einsatzes biometrischer Überwachungstechnik. – Instrumente zur Identifizierung von Menschen aus der Ferne wie Videoüberwachung mit automatisierter Gesichtserkennung sind in der Lage, die Betroffenen auf Schritt und Tritt zu verfolgen und auszusondern sowie Profile über sie zu erstellen. Sie untergraben so die Menschenrechte und bürgerlichen Freiheiten. Diesen Alarm schlägt eine Allianz aus 175 zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen, Aktivisten und Forscher aus der ganzen Welt. Sie fordert in einem offenen Brief an Gesetzgeber daher einen globalen Bann biometrischer Überwachungstechnik im öffentlichen Raum.“


Apple SharePlay via FaceTime

Apple introduces SharePlay for co-watching, streaming and screen sharing over FaceTime – SharePlay enables real-time connections with family and friends while you’re hanging out on FaceTime, Apple explained, by integrating access to apps from within the call itself. … The company announced a set of launch partners for SharePlay, including Disney+, Hulu, HBO Max, NBA, Twitch, TikTok, MasterClass, ESPN+, Paramount+ and Pluto TV. It’s also making an API available to developers so they can integrate their own apps with SharePlay. This can include other interactive apps, like collaborative whiteboards, for instance – not just audio or video.“


iOS 15 und iPadOS 15: FaceTime öffnet sich für Android und Windows – Fokus-Profile sollen Ablenkungen verringern, Apple-Apps erhalten wichtige Neuerungen. FaceTime kommt per Browser auf andere Plattformen. … Den Videochat-Dienst bringt Apple per Browser auf andere Plattformen: Auch Windows- und Android-Nutzer sind künftig in der Lage, an einem FaceTime-Call teilzunehmen – das war bislang Apple-Hardware vorbehalten. Neu sind Links zu Videokonferenzen, die sich so leichter teilen lassen, Apple schließt damit etwas zu Videokonferenz-Tools wie Zoom auf.“


iCloud+ mit VPN: Private Relay

Apple introduces iCloud+ service with Private Relay, Hide My Email, more – Private Relay is the headlining new feature of iCloud+. Through Private Relay, all traffic leaving your device is encrypted and sent through two separate relays. Apple says that no one, not even Apple, can access or view this data. This feature sounds quite a bit like an Apple VPN.“


Apple Object Capture: 2D wird 3D

Apple announces new tools, features, and more for developers – Apple announced Object Capture, allowing the creation of a 3D image using a collection of 2D images – something that could be a huge deal for specific developers. You’ll be able to take photos on an iPhone or iPad and then generate a real 3D model using your Mac.“


A/B-Testing für den App Store

Apple to introduce A/B testing and in-app events to the App Store – One change involves the app’s product page. Starting this year, app developers will be able to create multiple custom product pages to showcase different features of their app for different users. For instance, they’ll be able to try out things like different screenshots, videos, and even different app icons to A/B test what users like the most.“


PS: „Das Internet“ war down.

Twitch, Pinterest, Reddit and more go down in Fastly CDN outage (Update: Outage resolved after 1 hour) – Countless popular websites including Reddit, Spotify, Twitch, Stack Overflow, GitHub, gov.uk, Hulu, HBO Max, Quora, PayPal, Vimeo, Shopify, Stripe, and news outlets CNN, The Guardian, The New York Times, BBC and Financial Times are currently facing an outage. A glitch at Fastly, a popular CDN provider, is thought to be the reason, according to a product manager at Financial Times. Fastly has confirmed it’s facing an outage on its status website.“
