eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.
Steuer-ID als Bürgernummer
„Bundestagsgutachten: Schwere Bedenken gegen Steuer-ID als Bürgernummer – Der Wissenschaftliche Dienst des Parlaments warnt vor ‚erheblichen‘ verfassungsrechtlichen Schwierigkeiten bei der geplanten Registermodernisierung. … Der vorgesehene Einsatz der Steuer-ID als allgemeines oder bereichsübergreifendes Personenkennzeichen in 51 Datenbanken inklusive der Melderegister ‚birgt erhebliche Schwierigkeiten‘, heißt es in dem Gutachten für die Bundestagsfraktion der Grünen . Ein konkreter Personenbezug der damit einfach verknüpfbaren Informationen könne die Sozial-, die Privat- und sogar die Intimsphäre betreffen. Zweckänderungen könnten einfach vorgenommen werden. Zudem sei es fraglich, ob der technische Schutz ausreichte. … Die Steuer-ID in allen angeschlossenen Registern zu speichern erhöhe vielmehr die Möglichkeit und Gefahr einer – unbefugten – Profilbildung durch das Nachverfolgen persönlicher Datenspuren in Form von ‚Tracing‘.“
Die neuen Bundles der Medien
„2020 Bundles – If the famous Jim Barksdale quote is to be believed – the one about there only being two ways to make money in business, bundling and unbundling – then I am long past due for a follow-up to 2017’s The Great Unbundling. … What is interesting is that the same forces that broke up the old distribution-based bundles and reduced content to a differentiator for physical goods and experiences, have also made content directly monetizable through business models like subscriptions. This, in turn, has made content-only bundles that much more difficult to create: the higher the bar there is for any individual content creator to join a bundle, the more necessary it is to have an orthogonal business model that justifies clearing that bar. … This also gives insight as to why Apple’s bundle is underwhelming: PS5 and Steam are real competitors – Microsoft is arguably an underdog to both – which means the Xbox maker has to be creative. Apple, meanwhile, simply wants to make a bit more money on an audience that doesn’t have anywhere else to go. Perhaps the best way to make money is to not need a bundle at all.“
Designt für TikTok-Algorithmen
„Seeing Like an Algorithm – Understanding how the algorithm achieves its accuracy matters even if you’re not interested in TikTok or the short video space because more and more, companies in all industries will be running up against a competitor whose advantage centers around a machine learning algorithm. … TikTok fascinates me because it is an example of a modern app whose design, whether by accident or, uhh, design, is optimized to feed its algorithm as much useful signal as possible. It is an exemplar of what I call algorithm-friendly design. This might still be considered just a variant of user-centric design, but for those teams working on products with a heavy machine learning algorithm component, it may be useful to acknowledge explicitly. After all, when a product manager, designer, and engineer meet to design an app, the algorithm isn’t in attendance. Yet its training needs must be represented.“
Remains of the Day
YouTube Content-Moderation
„YouTube is about to age-restrict way more videos – AI moderation measures will be used to automatically age-restrict certain content – YouTube is rolling out more artificial intelligence-powered technology to catch more videos that may require age restrictions, meaning more viewers will be asked to sign into their accounts to verify their age before watching. – Similar to how YouTube used machine learning techniques to try to better catch violent extremism and more of the platform’s most severe content beginning in 2017, and later to find videos that included hateful conduct, the same approach will be used in this case to automatically flag videos YouTube deems not age-appropriate. As a result, YouTube is expecting to see far more videos pop up with age-gated restrictions.“
The Verge