eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.

Der TikTok-Krieg eskaliert

The TikTok War – Over the last week, as the idea of banning TikTok in the U.S. has shifted from a fringe idea to a seeming inevitability (thanks in no small part to India’s decision to do just that), those opposed to the idea and those in support seem to be talking past each other. The reasons for this disconnect go beyond the usual divisions in tech, culture, and national security: what makes TikTok so unique is that it is the culmination of two trends: one about humans and the Internet, and the other about China and ideology. … The rise of TikTok, though, suggests that Facebook didn’t learn the correct lesson from the Snapchat threat: while part of Snapchat’s allure was the possibility of creating a new network in an app predicated on chat and disappearing media, what made Stories particularly compelling is that the experience was closer to video. That meant there was an opportunity to focus on specifically that. … This is where it is important to understand the history of ByteDance, TikTok’s Chinese owner. ByteDance’s breakthrough product was a news app called TouTiao; whereas Facebook evolved from being primarily a social network to an algorithmic feed, TouTiao was about the feed and the algorithm from the beginning.“


Spotify mit Trending Podcasts

Spotify is launching podcast charts to help people discover new shows – Spotify is revamping its podcast charts today to help listeners find new shows and keep up with what people are enjoying in their area. This brings a well-known, and controversial, feature in the podcasting industry to Spotify, making the app more on par with other popular players, like Apple Podcasts.“

The Verge

MP3: Revolution aus Deutschland

„Die MP3-Revolution begann in Deutschland – Am 14. Juli 1995 haben deutsche Forscher die MP3-Datei erfunden. Sie hat die Übertragung von Musik im Internet überhaupt erst ermöglicht und die Musikindustrie für immer verändert. Doch auch 25 Jahre später reißt die Kritik an dem Format nicht ab.“


Huawei: gute Zahlen im 1. Halbjahr

Huawei posts revenue growth in H1 despite sanctions and pandemic – Huawei reported a 13.1% year-over-year revenue growth in the first half of 2020, even if countries around the world continued to weigh up bans on its equipment and smartphone sales shrink amid the pandemic, the telecom giant said in a brief on Monday. – The firm’s revenue reached 454 billion yuan ($64.88 billion) in the period, with its carrier, enterprise, and consumer businesses accounting for 35%, 8% and 56% of total revenue, respectively. It finished with a net profit margin of 9.2%, a slight increase from 8.7% in the same period last year.“


Samsung: 6G kommt schon in 2028

Samsung: Expect 6G in 2028, enabling mobile holograms and digital twins – Given that the 5G standard already enabled massive boosts in data bandwidth and reductions in latency over 4G, the questions of what more 6G could offer – and why – are key to establishing the need for a new standard. On the ‚what‘ side, Samsung expects 6G to offer 50 times higher peak data rates than 5G, or 1,000Gbps, with a ‚user experienced data rate‘ of 1Gbps, plus support for 10 times more connected devices in a square kilometer. Additionally, Samsung is targeting air latency reductions from 5G’s under 1 millisecond to under 100 microseconds, a 100 times improvement in error-free reliability, and twice the energy efficiency of 5G.“


YouTube sperrt Identitäre Bewegung

YouTube sperrt Konten der Identitären Bewegung – Nach Facebook und Twitter sperrt auch die Videoplattform Konten der rechtsextremen Gruppierung. Unter anderem der Kanal von Martin Sellner ist nicht mehr erreichbar. … Sellner ist der bekanntesten Kopf der Bewegung, sein YouTube-Kanal hatte zuletzt rund 100.000 Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten, auf Twitter folgten ihm knapp 40.000 Nutzerinnen und Nutzer.“
