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Digitalisierung mit Nachdruck
„The inevitable has happened. – Disruptions, downturns, and recessions make the weak weaker and the strong stronger. It was true centuries ago, and it is true today. – The 2001 downturn turned telecom and cable giants into the Internet’s gatekeepers. Microsoft emerged victorious with its Internet Explorer. During the 2008 financial crisis, when cash was king, the big banks – JP Morgan Chase, for example – became more prominent and more pervasive. In a similar fashion, the present pandemic is making big tech bigger. And it is not just that their coffers are overflowing coffers. They suddenly have a much larger and more receptive audience. – Last week, we saw the mid-pandemic report record results for Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook. Spoiler alert: they’re not exactly suffering.“
„COVID-19 Fails to Dent Aggressive Growth in Cloud Spending; Half of the Q1 Market Belongs to Amazon & Microsoft – New data from Synergy Research Group shows that Q1 spend on cloud infrastructure services reached $29 billion, up 37% from the first quarter of 2019. This was in line with the expected market growth rate and showed no meaningful negative impact as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, anecdotal evidence points to some COVID-19-related market tailwinds as additional enterprise workloads are pushed onto public clouds. Meanwhile Amazon growth continued to largely mirror overall market growth and its worldwide market share was 32% in the quarter.“
„Digitalwirtschaft erwartet Wachstumsschub nach Corona-Schock – Selbst die Digitalbranche muss in der Corona-Krise einen Dämpfer hinnehmen. Doch im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Branchen sieht sie eine rosige Perspektive. – Die Einschränkungen zur Bekämpfung des Coronavirus haben auch die Internetwirtschaft in Deutschland getroffen. Mittelfristig erwartet die Branche allerdings einen Wachstumsschub durch die Folgen der Corona-Krise. Das ist die zentrale Aussage einer Studie des Branchenverbandes eco und der Unternehmensberatung Arthur D. Little, die am Donnerstag in Berlin veröffentlicht wurde.“
Homeoffice noch nicht eingespielt
„Nur noch im Homeoffice – für viele Deutsche ist das ungewohnt. Doch sie beginnen, die Vorteile zu entdecken: Pendlerzeit fällt weg, Produktivität und Flexibilität wachsen. Was bleibt davon nach Corona? … Die Arbeitsforscherin Jutta Rump von der Hochschule Ludwigshafen sagt, die Arbeitgeber seien zu ihrem Glück gezwungen worden. 80 Prozent der Menschen, bei denen es theoretisch möglich ist, arbeiteten derzeit im Homeoffice, sagt sie: ‚Vor der Krise waren es zwölf Prozent.'“
„Three Warning Signs That Your Remote Employees Are Starting To Crack Under The Stress Of Working From Home – For the first month of working from home, many employees were in a state of semi-shock; so much energy was focused on just figuring out the logistics of working remotely that there wasn’t time to grapple with the emotional aspects. – But as people have settled into a routine, as the panic over remote working logistics have decreased, we can now see troubling signs of the emotional pressures facing employees working from home. … Warning Sign #1: Decreased Resilience … Warning Sign #2: Your Employees Are Making Mistakes … Warning Sign #3: Your Employees’ Language Is Becoming More Negative And Emotional“
Videokonferenzen sind anstrengend
„The reason Zoom calls drain your energy – Video chat is helping us stay employed and connected. But what makes it so tiring – and how can we reduce ‘Zoom fatigue’? … Being on a video call requires more focus than a face-to-face chat, says Petriglieri. Video chats mean we need to work harder to process non-verbal cues like facial expressions, the tone and pitch of the voice, and body language; paying more attention to these consumes a lot of energy. ‚Our minds are together when our bodies feel we’re not. That dissonance, which causes people to have conflicting feelings, is exhausting. You cannot relax into the conversation naturally,‘ he says.“
„Politiker fordern Videokonferenz-Systeme für Schulen und Pflegeheime – Politiker fordern Videokonferenzen für Schulunterricht und Senioren in Pflegeheimen. Für Bayerns Kliniken wird kostenloses Internet für Patienten gefordert. … Über ein Videokonferenzsystem könnten die Schüler unterrichtet werden, wobei sie noch nicht einmal einen eigenen Computer brauchten, weil man sich bei den meisten Anbietern per Smartphone einwählen könne. Dies würde zugleich die Eltern entlasten, die sich derzeit nämlich während ihrer Arbeit zuhause auch noch um den Unterricht für ihre Kinder kümmern müssten.“
„Videokonferenzen: Hilfestellungen zum datenschutzkonformen Betrieb – Videokonferenzen führten viele Unternehmen mit der Corona-Krise ohne Vorbereitung ein. Kein Grund, Sicherheit und Datenschutz zu vernachlässigen. – ‚Der erstbeste Online-Dienst muss nicht das Optimum sein‘, erklärt das Unabhängige Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein (ULD) anlässlich der Veröffentlichung seiner Hilfestellungen zur datenschutzkonformen Durchführung von Besprechungen per Video oder Telefon. … Stand zu Beginn der Corona-Krise noch im Vordergrund, schnelle Lösungen für wichtige Absprachen und Abstimmungen zu finden, so könne man nun die gesammelten Erfahrungen ‚für eine nachhaltige und vor allem datenschutzkonforme Ausgestaltung‘ nutzen, sagt die Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein, Marit Hansen.“
Apple ohne Ausblick fürs 2. Quartal
„Apple reports flat revenue and does not offer guidance because of coronavirus uncertainty – Apple revenue growth slowed down as it saw supply and demand impact from coronavirus. – Apple did not issue guidance for the quarter ending in June, as it usually does. – Cook struck an optimistic note about worldwide recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic in an interview with CNBC. – Apple shares were down more than 2% during extended trading on Thursday after the company reported a slight increase in second-quarter revenue to $58.3 billion, during a period in which supply and demand for Apple’s products was negatively affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.“
„Apple earnings dip amid coronavirus pandemic, but investors set to receive billions more – Apple declines to give financial forecast due to COVID-19, but promises additional $50 billion in buybacks and a dividend increase.“
„Apple’s services and wearables gamble pays off in difficult quarter – While the coronavirus has affected Apple’s earnings, its overall second quarter results are better than predicted because of the company’s increasing reliance on wearables and services.“
Amazon kämpft gegen COVID-19
„‘If you’re a shareowner in Amazon, you may want to take a seat’ – Amazon reports earnings, plans to spend all Q2 profits on coronavirus response – The company has seen heightened demand in the first quarter as the coronavirus pandemic has forced people around the world to stay at home. – Amazon said it plans to spend all of its profit for the second quarter of this year, an estimated $4 billion, on its response to the coronavirus pandemic.“