eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.
Fake Amazon Reviews in Massen
„Fake Amazon reviews ‚being sold in bulk‘ online – Fake reviews for products sold on Amazon’s Marketplace are being sold online ‚in bulk‘, according to Which? – The consumer group found 10 websites selling fake reviews from £5 each and incentivising positive reviews in exchange for payment or free products. … An Amazon spokesman said: ‚We remove fake reviews and take action against anyone involved in abuse.‘ … These included ‚packages‘ of fake reviews available for sellers to buy for about £15 individually, as well as bulk packages starting at £620 for 50 reviews and going up to £8,000 for 1,000. – The group also suggested that five of the businesses it looked at had more than 702,000 ‚product reviewers‘ on their books.“
Amazon kauft Selz gegen Shopify
„As Shopify continues to boom, Amazon acquires Selz, a startup that helps e-commerce businesses – Amazon has acquired Selz, a 7-year-old startup that helps entrepreneurs sell products online. The deal signals Amazon’s continued focus on third-party sellers as it faces potential competition from Shopify. … Selz, founded in Sydney, employs less than 50 people with total funding at $11 million, according to Crunchbase. It is one of many online services that provide technology to help small businesses operate e-commerce sites and process payments.“
Apple App Store: Bezahlsysteme?
„Apple wins victory as North Dakota votes down bill that would regulate app stores – The North Dakota state senate voted 36-11 on Tuesday not to pass a bill that would have required app stores to enable software developers to use their own payment processing software and avoid fees charged by Apple and Google. – The vote is a victory for Apple, which says that the App Store is a core part of its product and that its tight control over its rules keeps iPhone users safe from malware and scams.“
Verstößt TikTok gegen die DSGVO?
„TikTok targeted over ‘misleading’ privacy practices and ‘ambiguous’ terms in Europe – TikTok has been hit with a volley of complaints from Europe’s consumer-protection watchdogs, over practices they say are unfair to users – particularly kids. – The complaints cover TikTok’s ‚unclear‘ and ‚ambiguous‘ terms of service, its alleged failure to protect children and teenagers from hidden advertising and harmful content, and its ‚misleading‘ privacy practices. … The watchdogs also say TikTok is breaking the EU’s theoretically tough but poorly enforced General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), because it doesn’t clearly tell its users which personal data it is collecting and why, ‚especially in a way comprehensible to children and teenagers.'“
Trello: Redesign und viel Neues
„Trello is redesigning its project management platform for a remote work future – The app is getting a visual overhaul and new features – Productivity app Trello, a virtual whiteboard-style platform for organizing and managing projects, is announcing a major redesign today in addition to new features for helping businesses manage third-party integrations. The platform is getting a visual overhaul, both to its logo and the illustrations it deploys across its website and apps. It’s also getting multiple new ways to both customize cards and view your workload beyond the core whiteboard column view. …Trello has accumulated well over 50 million users, and the company wants to expand the way Trello works with third-party services like Google Drive, ticketing platform Jira, and Slack.“
The Verge
Homeoffice: immerhin auf 24%
„Homeoffice: Ein Viertel der Erwerbstätigen arbeitet zuhause – 24 Prozent arbeiteten Ende Januar 2021 im Homeoffice, das sind mehr als im Dezember und weniger als im April 2020. – Ende Januar haben 24 Prozent der Erwerbstätigen in Deutschland vorwiegend oder ausschließlich zuhause gearbeitet. Ende Juni 2020 betrug dieser Anteil 16 Prozent, im November 2020 etwa 14 Prozent, im Dezember 17 Prozent. Das geht aus repräsentativen Befragungen des Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituts der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung hervor. Während des ersten Lockdowns im April 2020 betrug der Anteil der im Homeoffice Arbeitenden zeitweise 27 Prozent. Rund 39 Prozent der Befragten erklärten demnach aktuell, sie könnten ihren Beruf uneingeschränkt oder größtenteils in Heimarbeit erledigen.“