eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.
Filterblasen? Keineswegs!
„Social-Media-Nutzer stolpern häufig über Nachrichten – entkommen der Filterblase – Wer Facebook, Twitter, Google und Portale besucht, kommt mit einer größeren Wahrscheinlichkeit mit Nachrichten in Kontakt als andere, meinen Mainzer Forscher. … Zusammen mit der Universität Hohenheim und dem GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften in Köln haben die Forscher anhand von Tracking-Software auf Computern und Smartphones von etwa 5000 freiwilligen Probanden herausgefunden, dass Nutzer von Facebook oder Google mit einer größeren Wahrscheinlichkeit mit Nachrichten in Kontakt kommen. Bisher sei hingegen angenommen worden, dass die algorithmischen Filter der Intermediäre Nutzern nur solche Informationen anzeigen, die ihren Interessen und Neigungen entsprechen. … In traditionellen Medien wie Fernsehen und Zeitung sähen die Menschen Nachrichten oft nur, wenn sie diese bewusst auswählen, meinen die Forscher. Auf intermediären Plattformen kämen hingegen Menschen auch zufällig mit Nachrichten in Berührung, beispielsweise, wenn ihre Kontakte Nachrichteninhalte teilen oder sie beim Abrufen von E-Mails auf interessante Artikel stoßen.“
Kurzvideos zur Bildung
„Doctors on TikTok Try to Go Viral – They have M.D.s, but are they up for this challenge? – For decades, sex education in the classroom could be pretty cringey. For some adolescents, it meant a pitch for abstinence; others watched their teachers put condoms on bananas and attempt sketches of fallopian tubes that looked more like modern art. – On TikTok, sex ed is being flipped on its head. Teenagers who load the app might find guidance set to the pulsing beat of ‚Sex Talk‘ by Megan Thee Stallion.“
„Two-year-old Indian edtech startup Doubtnut raises $15M – Doubtnut, a Gurgaon-based startup that operates an app to help students learn and master concepts from math and science using short videos, has raised $15 million in a new financing round as it looks to serve more people in small cities and towns of the country. … The app allows students from sixth grade to high-school solve and understand math and science problems in local languages. Doubtnut app allows them to take a picture of the problem, and uses machine learning and image recognition to deliver their answers through short-videos.“
„Tech trade group chief to join TikTok – The president of tech trade group the Internet Association is stepping down to run TikTok’s Washington policy shop, the organizations said Friday. … Michael Beckerman, the founding president of IA, is leaving the trade group at a time of turbulence for the industry to join a video sharing app that’s also facing Washington headwinds.“
Russland vs Apple
„Apple has a Vladimir Putin problem – In November 2019, Russian parliament passed what’s become known as the ‚law against Apple.‘ The legislation will require all smartphone devices to preload a host of applications that may provide the Russian government with a glut of information about its citizens, including their location, finances, and private communications. – Apple typically forbids the preloading of third-party apps onto its system’s hardware. But come July 2020, when the law goes into effect, Apple will be forced to quit the country and a market estimated at $3 billion unless it complies.“
Fast Company
Russland vs ProtonMail
„Russia’s ProtonMail block – New revelations and information – On Jan. 29, the Russian government announced via an official website that effective immediately, ProtonMail would be blocked in Russia. Since then, it has not been possible for users on most Russian networks to reach ProtonMail without using a VPN or Tor. … Officially, the block was put in place because bomb threats have been sent to numerous Russian cities via ProtonMail. Blocking access to ProtonMail is an ineffective and inappropriate response to the reported threats. … However, the block does deny regular, law-abiding citizens of Russia access to secure email and privacy. That’s why we condemn this block as a misguided measure that only serves to harm ordinary people.“
Tablets rückläufig
„Worldwide Tablet Shipments Continue to Decline in Q4 2019, According to IDC – The worldwide tablet market declined 0.6% year over year during the fourth quarter of 2019 (4Q19) as global shipments fell to 43.5 million units, according to preliminary data from the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Tablet Tracker. For the full year 2019, the tablet market shrank 1.5% year over year as global shipments totaled 144 million units. – Apple maintained its lead in the holiday quarter, growing 22.7% year over year.“