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Content-Moderation vs Meinungsfreiheit?

„Trump unterzeichnet Erlass zu Sozialen Medien – US-Präsident Trump geht nach dem Faktencheck eines seiner Tweets gegen Twitter und andere soziale Netzwerke vor. Einen entsprechenden Erlass unterzeichnete er im Oval Office. … Sollte das Dekret umgesetzt werden, wären Klagen gegen die sozialen Medien wegen der auf ihnen veröffentlichten Inhalte möglich. – Bislang regelt die sogenannte ‚Section 230‘ die Sozialen Netzwerke in den USA. Diese Regelung besagt, dass Online-Dienste nicht für von Nutzern veröffentlichte Inhalte wie Kommentare und Videos haftbar gemacht werden können, sondern lediglich als Verbreiter im technischen Sinne gelten. … Würden die Plattformbetreiber künftig, wie offenbar von Trump geplant, als redaktionelle Dienstleister angesehen, könnten sie für alle Inhalte, die von ihren Nutzern gepostet werden, verantwortlich gemacht werden.“


„The Two Things To Understand About Trump’s Executive Order On Social Media: (1) It’s A Distraction (2) It’s Legally Meaningless – We’ve officially reached pure silly season when it comes to internet regulations. For the past two years now, every so often, reports have come out that the White House was exploring issuing an executive order trying to attack Section 230 and punish companies for the administration’s belief in the myth that content moderation practices at large social media firms are ‚biased‘ against conservatives. … To be clear: the executive order is nonsense. You can’t overrule the law by executive order, nor can you ignore the Constitution. This executive order attempts to do both. It’s also blatantly anti-free speech, anti-private property, pro-big government – which is only mildly amusing, given that Trump and his sycophantic followers like to insist they’re the opposite of all of those things.“


„Trump Executive Order Misreads Key Law Promoting Free Expression Online and Violates the First Amendment – President Trump’s Executive Order targeting social media companies is an assault on free expression online and a transparent attempt to retaliate against Twitter for its decision to curate (well, really just to fact-check) his posts and deter everyone else from taking similar steps. The good news is that, assuming the final order looks like the draft we reviewed on Wednesday, it won’t survive judicial scrutiny. To see why, let’s take a deeper look at its incorrect reading of Section 230 (47 U.S.C. § 230) and how the order violates the First Amendment.“


„Inside Twitter’s Decision to Fact-Check Trump’s Tweets – Brandon Borrman, Twitter’s vice president of global communications, talked to OneZero about the company’s decision. That conversation, coupled with information from other Twitter representatives and public statements from the company’s executives, shed light on just how the company arrived at that fateful fact-check, and the roles played by Roth and others, including CEO Jack Dorsey. It adds up to a picture of a company that knew full well what it was doing when it fact-checked the president – and what kind of reaction it would spark from the White House. – ‚The company needed to do what’s right, and we knew from a comms perspective that all hell would break loose,‘ Borrman told OneZero. … On Wednesday evening, Dorsey said in a series of tweets that he took responsibility for the decision to add a label to Trump’s tweets and stood by it, adding, ‚Please leave our employees out of this.'“


Twitter adds a new warning to a Trump tweet: ‚This tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence‘ – It wasn’t the first time Trump has tweeted something vile, but for the first time, Twitter did something about it. … At 12:53 AM on Friday morning, the President of the United States wrote that protestors should be shot. ‚When the looting starts, the shooting starts,‘ he wrote. ‚Thank you!‘ It was certainly not the first time that Trump has tweeted something vile, but for the first time, Twitter did something about it: The company added a warning to the tweet and prevented users from liking it or sharing it without adding a comment.“


BGH: Cookies erfordern Einwilligung

Werbe-Cookies erfordern Einwilligung der Nutzer – Webseiten dürfen Werbe-Cookies nicht ohne ausdrückliche Zustimmung setzen. Das hat der Bundesgerichtshof entschieden. – Für das Setzen von Werbe-Cookies im Internet müssen Webseitenbetreiber sich die ausdrückliche Zustimmung von Nutzerinnen und Nutzern einholen. Das entschied der Bundesgerichtshof am Donnerstag in Karlsruhe. Eine Einwilligung mittels eines voreingestellten Ankreuzkästchens stelle ‚eine unangemessene Benachteiligung des Nutzers dar’…“


Google resumes Chrome’s more privacy-friendly SameSite cookie update – Google announced on Thursday that it will bring its SameSite cookie update back starting July 14th, alongside the launch of Chrome 84. The update will roll out gradually to Chrome 80 and later versions. – Chrome used to accept cookies by default, but with the introduction of its SameSite labeling policy, Chrome will block cookies from functioning in a third-party context, unless they carry specific labels. This is part of Chrome’s phased approach to privacy: this is supposed to limit which cookies collect data across sites, and in turn, limit the data those websites collect on users.“

The Verge

TikTok: Verlässt ByteDance China?

TikTok owner ByteDance moves to shift power out of ChinaTikTok’s poaching of Disney’s Kevin Mayer to be its CEO was just the most visible part of a broader strategy by its Chinese owner to shift its centre of power away from China at a time of rising global tensions, several people familiar with the plans said. … The strategy is aimed not only at TikTok, which is not available in China, but all of ByteDance’s non-China focused businesses… Such businesses also include units in India like social networking app Helo.“


YouTube Video Chapteres Navigation

YouTube introduces Video Chapters to make it easier to navigate longer videos – If you’ve ever found yourself scrubbing your way through a long YouTube video to get to the ‚good‘ part, you’ll appreciate the new feature YouTube is launching today: Video Chapters. The feature uses timestamps that creators apply to their videos, allowing viewers to easily jump forward to a specific section of the video or rewatch a portion of the video.“


Google Page Experience Update

„The Google Page Experience Update: User experience to become a Google ranking factor – This new ranking factor won’t be live until 2021, at the earliest. Here is what you need to know. – Google today announced a new ranking algorithm designed to judge web pages based on how users perceive the experience of interacting with a web page. That means if Google thinks your website users will have a poor experience on your pages, Google may not rank those pages as highly as they are now. This update is called the Google Page Experience update and is not expected to go live until sometime in 2021, so you have plenty of time to prepare. … Page experience is made up of several existing Google search ranking factors, including the mobile-friendly update, Page Speed Update, the HTTPS ranking boost, the intrusive interstitials penalty, safe browsing penalty, while refining metrics around speed and usability. These refinements are under what Google calls Core Web Vitals.“