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Kontaktverfolgung: Entwicklerversion
„First version of Apple and Google’s contact tracing API should be available to developers next week – The first version of Apple and Google’s jointly developed, cross-platform contact tracing API should be available to developers as of next week, according to a conversation between Apple CEO Tim Cook and European Commissioner for internal market Thierry Breton. … The rollout of the contact tracing system is happening in two parts: First, the API is being made available to developers – that’s the part that’s happening next week. This phase was originally set for a mid-May release, but it sounds like the companies have stepped up their timeline (at least on the Apple side) based on this conversation between Breton and Cook. … The second part of the plan is issuing a system update to build in contact tracing at the OS level. … Note that the second phase isn’t expected until sometime later this year, but the early arrival of the first version of the API for developers is a promising sign that suggests both companies are focusing considerable effort and resources on getting this to market.“
Deutschland: PEPP-PT statt D3PT?
„Spahn soll sich für umstrittene Corona-App entschieden haben – Die geplante Corona-Warn-App soll laut einem Zeitungsbericht mit der Technik der Initiative PEPP-PT entwickelt werden. Ein Sprecher der Unionsfraktion wird mit den Worten zitiert, man sei ‚auf einem guten Weg‘. … Die Bundesregierung hatte zuletzt erklärt, man prüfe neben PEPP-PT (Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing) auch den rivalisierenden Ansatz D3PT (Decentralized Privacy Preserving Proximity Tracing) sowie die in Österreich eingesetzte Lösung der Accenture GmbH. … Die Bundesregierung hatte zudem betont, sie ziehe ausschließlich eine Nutzung der Corona-Tracking-App auf freiwilliger Basis in Betracht.“
GAFAM: 20% weniger Jobangebote
„Tech companies pull back on hiring, flashing another grim warning sign for the U.S. economy – Despite the massive shift to remote work and the surge in demand for certain online services, the tech industry has seen a widespread drawdown in job listings. – Jobs openings nationwide across the industry dropped more than 20 percent between mid-March and mid-April, according to analysts at Glassdoor. – The pullbacks have been especially acute among private e-commerce companies, according to Thinknum Alternative Data. Many software firms, on the other hand, have increased postings or kept hiring relatively steady.“
Google bremst Marketing und Jobs
„Google to cut marketing budgets by as much as half, directors warned of hiring freezes – The company is planning to slash its marketing budgets by as much as half, according to internal documents viewed by CNBC. – Directors were told that hiring freezes for both full-time and contract workers are taking place. – The cuts represent a more drastic move than Google CEO Sundar Pichai originally described a week ago.“
Slack will Freelancer binden
„Slack delays the reopening of its offices until September, but commits to continuing to pay contractors and hourly workers their regular wages – While other tech companies have also committed to paying their hourly and contract workers during this time, Slack’s potential reopening date of September 1 would likely make it the longest period any tech company has committed to yet. – Slack made the decision to make the delay because it means „less exposure for our employees, fewer invasive distancing measures in offices, less disruption for customers, and greater flexibility in weathering a potential second wave of the virus,“ SVP of people Robby Kwok said in a blog post. – Slack’s announcement also comes as the company has seen record usage due to the spike in remote work – adding 9,000 new customers in the first half of the quarter.“
Business Insider
Google Ads mit Identifikationspflicht
„Google will make all advertisers prove their identities, so people can see who they are and which country they’re in – Google began requiring political advertisers wanting to run election ads on its platform to verify their identity back in 2018. – Now, that program is being extended to all advertisers, the company wrote in a blog post this morning from John Canfield, its director of product management for ads integrity. – The change will allow consumers to see who’s running an ad and which country they’re located in when they click ‚Why this ad?‘ on a placement.“