eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.
Privatsphäre fürs Geschäft
„Half of Americans have decided not to use a product or service because of privacy concerns – At a time when many Americans believe their personal information is less secure and are concerned with how companies and the government use their personal data, a substantial share of the public has opted out of using a product or service because of privacy concerns, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted June 3-17, 2019.“
Selbst Google spart jetzt
„Google to Slow Hiring for Rest of 2020, CEO Tells Staff – Google parent Alphabet Inc. is slowing hiring for the remainder of the year, the most drastic action by the web search giant since the Covid-19 pandemic began battering its advertising business several weeks ago. … Compared with startups that are firing thousands of workers, Google remains a haven for current employees. But the company’s revenue has likely been hit as businesses slash ad spending to save money. The crisis has hammered the retail and travel sectors in particular, and these are major Google advertising customers.“
Hacker in Asien vs COVID-19
„Hackers Have Some of the Best Ideas in War Against Coronavirus – Across Asia, hobbyists, web developers, and students are collaborating to track Covid-19 data and deliver the occasional messages of hope and cheer. … ‚Civic hacking can make the government change,‘ says Lee, who notes that it serves as an important outlet in a country with a history of street protests. ‚This movement isn’t something that will go away in the future. This culture will be accelerated more and more.‘
Homeoffice auch in Zukunft
„Wie die Corona-Krise unsere Art zu arbeiten nachhaltig verändern wird – Viele sind auf unabsehbare Zeit im Homeoffice. Was sich schon jetzt abzeichnet: Wir können nicht einfach wieder zurück ins Büro.“
Sichere Videokonferenzen
„BSI bringt Kompendium für sichere Videokonferenz-Systeme – In Zeiten der Coronakrise greifen immer mehr Unternehmen zu Videokonferenzen. Das BSI will mit einer Broschüre helfen, diese sicher zu gestalten.“
Heise – Siehe auch: Sichere Videokonferenzsoftware