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Technologie: IT-Ausgaben sinken

„Gartner Predicts IT Spending Will Plummet By $300 Billion In 2020 As CIOs Slash Budgets – Another week brings another clear sign that CIOs are making deep budget cuts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a new report, research firm Gartner says it thinks global tech spending will drop 8% in 2020 based on what it is hearing from tech suppliers and other sources. It’s forecasting that $3.46 trillion will be spent on IT products and services this year by businesses and consumers, down from $3.76 trillion in 2019. … Gartner expects money spent on public cloud services to rise by 19%. ‚Companies have to be more digital than they had planned to be,‘ says Lovelock. – Software that automates processes is also likely to benefit as executives push hard for greater efficiencies.“


China’s once-resilient tech economy starting to crack under pressure from coronavirus economic carnage – In the first quarter of 2020, the number of Chinese recruitment postings across all industries fell 22.6 per cent compared with the same period last year. A survey found that 5.4 per cent of tech firms experienced job cuts while 12.9 per cent have reduced contractors, interns and part-time employees.“


Kontaktverfolgung & Kommunikation

„How will Europe’s coronavirus contact-tracing apps work across borders? – A major question mark attached to national coronavirus contact-tracing apps is whether they will function when citizens of one country travel to another. Or will people be asked to download and use multiple apps if they’re traveling across borders? … Once Europeans start traveling again, the effectiveness of any national contact-tracing apps could be undermined if systems aren’t able to talk to each other. … EU Member States recognize this, and this week agreed to a set of interoperability guidelines for national apps – writing that: ‚Users should be able to rely on a single app independently of the region or Member State they are in at a certain moment.‘ … But the intent is to work together so that different apps can share a minimum of data to enable exposure notifications to keep flowing as Europeans travel around the region, as (or once) restrictions are lifted. … The academics warn that while interoperability between decentralized and centralized systems ‚is possible in principle, it introduces substantial privacy concerns‚… At this point, momentum among EU nations has largely shifted behind decentralized protocols for coronavirus contact-tracing apps. … Apple and Google’s decision to support decentralized systems for the contact-tracing API they’re jointly developing, and due to release later this month (sample code is out already), has also undoubtedly weighted the debate in favor of decentralized protocols. … The DP-3T analysis is also heavily skeptical that DESIRE could be made to interoperate with either existing centralized or decentralized proposals… However, for now, Europe’s digital response to the coronavirus crisis looks messier than that – with ongoing wrinkles and questions over how smoothly different nationals apps will be able to work together as countries opt to go their own way.“


„So vermarktet eine PR-Agentur die Corona Warn App – Das Logo der geplanten Corona Warn App der Bundesregierung erinnert ein wenig an die Farben der USA-Flagge: Ein in dunkles Blau und Rot getauchtes ‚C‘ (mit kleinen Einkerbungen, die aussehen wie das Gegenstück der Spikes am Virus). Auch demokratische und republikanische Partei in den USA verwenden diese Farben. – Besonders glücklich scheint mir dieser Kunstgriff bei der Gestaltung des Logos für die Corona Warn App daher nicht. Denn wer möchte in Corona-Zeiten schon eine App installieren, die den Eindruck macht, als käme sie aus USA-Laboren. … Waren am Anfang der Corona-Pandemie noch über 60% der Deutschen bereit, sich eine solche Warn-App zu installieren, sind es nach jüngsten Studien der Uni Erfurt derzeit nur noch 44 Prozent. … Einige Arbeitgeber erwägen wohl, die Installation der App quasi anzuordnen – um für Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz zu sorgen.“


Personalausweis auf dem Telefon

Bundesregierung plant virtuelle Variante des elektronischen Personalausweises – Der elektronische Personalausweis wird kaum zur Identifizierung im Netz verwendet. Nun will der Bund das Dokument ins Handy verfrachten und damit die Nutzung vereinfachen. … Die Bundesdruckerei, die das Projekt federführend umsetzt, hat schon funktionstüchtige Demoversionen entwickelt. … Bislang ist allerdings nur das Samsung Galaxy S20 offiziell freigegeben für den virtuellen Perso. … Weitere Samsung-Modelle könnten folgen. Und auch in Geräten anderer Hersteller stecken Secure Elements, zum Beispiel in Apples iPhones und in Pixel-Modellen von Google. … Einen Starttermin für den virtuellen Ausweis wollten Wirtschafts- und Innen­ministerium nicht nennen. … Die Technik eigne sich auch für andere Dokumente, etwa den Führerschein oder die elektronische Gesundheitskarte… Im Rahmen des Projektes wird auch an Anwendungen abseits offizieller ­Ausweise gearbeitet, zum Beispiel an fäl­schungs­sicheren Tickets für den Nahverkehr oder digitalen Schlüsseln für Car­sharing-Autos.“


Facebook: Giphy, Fakten, Instagram

„How Facebook Could Use Giphy to Collect Your Data – Facebook announced on Friday that it will buy Giphy, a popular GIF search engine and hosting service, for a reported $400 million. … What might not be obvious, however, is that each search and GIF you send with Giphy is also a ‚beacon‘ that allows the company to track how and where the image is being shared, as well as the sentiment the image expresses. Giphy wraps each of its animated GIFs in a special format that helps the image load faster, and also embeds a tiny piece of Javascript that lets the company know where the image is being loaded, as well as a tracking identifier that helps follow your browsing across the web. … While you may successfully block trackers like the Facebook ad pixel following you around online, or even delete your Facebook account, the majority of us wouldn’t suspect we’re being monitored when we’re sending funny images to friends.“


„Why Is Facebook So Afraid of Checking Facts? – The biggest social network in the world has the wrong idea for how to fight Covid-19 conspiracies. … It seems that the biggest social network in the world is, at least in part, basing its response to pandemic-related misinformation on a misreading of the academic literature. … Whatever Facebook says (or thinks) about the backfire effect, this phenomenon has not, in fact, been ’shown‘ or demonstrated in any thorough way. Rather, it’s a bogeyman – a zombie theory from the research literature circa 2008 that has all but been abandoned since. More recent studies, encompassing a broad array of issues, find the opposite is true: On almost all possible topics, almost all of the time, the average person – Democrat or Republican, young or old, well-educated or not – responds to facts just the way you’d hope, by becoming more factually accurate.“


„How Instagram’s anti-vaxxers fuel coronavirus conspiracy theories – The coronavirus pandemic has given rise to a new wave of viral disinformation. … Instagram’s efforts to curb health misinformation have done little to stem the flow of conspiracy theories and misinformation about vaccines. The app continues to be a hotbed of anti-vaccine conspiracy theories, which often spread without the promised fact-checks and are further fueled by Instagram’s search and recommendation algorithms.“


Google vor dem Kartellverfahren

„The US government is getting ready to sue Google for monopolizing online ads – The Justice Department and a coalition of state attorneys general are likely to file antitrust charges against Google in the coming months, according to a new report by The Wall Street Journal. The reporting is consistent with earlier statements by Attorney General William Barr, who said he expected a decision to be made sometime this summer.“

The Verge