eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.
Twitter und das Ende der Büroarbeit
„Americans might never come back to the office, and Twitter is leading the charge. – Twitter’s plans for work from home indefinitely have prompted a wave of copycats. But its transformation has been two years in the making – and the rest of America can learn some lessons. … Corporate America has long been defined by physical offices. But in a few short weeks, the pandemic upended that as thousands of companies mandated their employees work from home. What many thought would be a temporary workaround is now a mass experiment with no end in sight, as many companies await a vaccine or other developments to ensure workers’ safety. – While many companies are anxious about the new reality, fearful of reopening and worried about the loss of workplace connection, some employers have embraced it – even going so far as making remote work permanent. … Twitter, the first major U.S. company to make a public announcement in May about its permanent work-from-home plans, has a big head start in identifying the pitfalls and advantages of work from home.“
Washington Post
Facebook will Mitarbeiter im Büro
„Facebook moderators at Accenture are being forced back to the office, and many are scared for their safety – Employees are concerned about COVID-19 now that they’re being told to return starting October 12th … Accenture, which has allowed its workforce of hundreds of moderators to work from home since March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has not given the employees a reason for why they must return to the office. … Facebook has an estimated 15,000 paid contractors almost entirely employed by third-party firms, and therefore not eligible for many of the same benefits as corporate employees. … In a statement, a Facebook spokesperson said, ‚A lot of the work done by the Accenture Austin team involves work streams that can’t be done from home.‘ The company is currently under intense scrutiny to enforce policies banning incitements to violence and election misinformation – policies human moderators are much better at enforcing than algorithms.“
The Verge
H&M überwacht Mitarbeiter
„Datenschutz: Deutsche Rekordbuße von 35,3 Millionen Euro gegen H&M – Der Hamburgische Datenschutzbeauftragte hat wegen DSGVO-Verstößen ein Millionen-Bußgeld gegen H&M verhängt, weil die Firma Mitarbeiter ausspähte. – Der schwedische Bekleidungshändler Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) soll eine Strafe in Höhe von 35.258.707,95 Euro zahlen, nachdem er in einem Servicecenter in Nürnberg Mitarbeiter massiv ausgespäht hatte. … Es handelt sich um das höchste Bußgeld, das Aufsichtsbehörden hierzulande verhängten, seit die die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) seit zweieinhalb Jahren anwendbar ist. … Im Nürnberger Call-Center sei es mindestens seit 2014 bei einem Teil der Mitarbeiter ‚zu umfangreichen Erfassungen privater Lebensumstände‘ gekommen, wirft Caspar der Firma vor. Entsprechende Notizen seien auf einem Netzlaufwerk dauerhaft gespeichert worden.“
Google investiert in Nachrichten
„Google will spend $1 billion to pay publishers for news showcase – This is Google’s biggest ever financial commitment to the news industry. In 2018, it pledged $300 million to efforts supporting the news industry. This announcement builds on that effort and its existing news licensing program, where it pays select publishers to feature their stories in Google News and Search. … The effort is Google’s biggest commitment to editorial curation to date. While the giant has made efforts recently to elevate quality reporting in its algorithms, most of those ranking decisions are made absent of human judgement.“