eicker.TV gibt es als Vlog auf YouTube, TikTok, Instagram und zusätzlich als Podcast auf SoundCloud: Der Podcast kann bei Apple, Google, Spotify und über viele weitere Podcastclients abonniert werden.

Zoom und Privatsphäre? 90 Tage!

„Unter Beobachtung – Je populärer der Videodienst Zoom wird, umso mehr Sicherheitslücken finden IT-Experten. Nicht alle Fehler sind gleich gefährlich. Dennoch müssen Nutzer vorsichtig sein. … Trotzdem gibt es einen Kritikpunkt, der alle Nutzerinnen und Nutzer betrifft, ob sie nun Windows– oder Mac-Rechner verwenden. Am Dienstag wurde bekannt, dass Zoom seine Videokonferenzen gar nicht so verschlüsselt, wie es bislang vom Unternehmen behauptet wurde. … Der Schaden ist für Zoom aber schon angerichtet. Unternehmen wie SpaceX und die amerikanische Bundesbehörde Nasa haben angekündigt, die Software von Zoom nicht länger nutzen zu wollen – wegen erheblicher Datenschutz– und Sicherheitsbedenken.“

Zeit – Siehe auch: Sichere Videokonferenzsoftware mit E2E-Verschlüsselung

„A Message to Our Users – Over the next 90 days, we are committed to dedicating the resources needed to better identify, address, and fix issues proactively. We are also committed to being transparent throughout this process. We want to do what it takes to maintain your trust. This includes: Enacting a feature freeze, effectively immediately, and shifting all our engineering resources to focus on our biggest trust, safety, and privacy issues. – Conducting a comprehensive review with third-party experts and representative users to understand and ensure the security of all of our new consumer use cases.“

Zoom – Siehe auch: Sichere Videokonferenzsoftware mit E2E-Verschlüsselung

Facebook Messenger für Mac und PC

Facebook debuts standalone Messenger app on Mac and PC – It brings free video calls and chats to desktop. – Today, Facebook is bringing its Messenger app to desktop. You can now access Messenger – including unlimited and free group video calls – on MacOS and Windows. The desktop app will sync across mobile, offer notifications for new messages and support Dark Mode and GIFs.“

Engadget – Siehe auch: Sichere Videokonferenzsoftware mit E2E-Verschlüsselung

Amazon Cloud Gaming auf Twitch?

Amazon gaming ambitions include original title in May, cloud platform – Gaming is huge business and the COVID-19 situation has boosted that even further. … That Amazon has plans to expand its empire beyond retailing games made by others is really no secret. … The New York Times reports the e-commerce giant’s plans to finally launch its first original game, the sci-fi shooter Crucible, no later than next month. … And then there’s Project Tempo, a cloud gaming platform designed to rival Google Stadia and Microsoft Project xCloud but with a twist. Rather than simply streaming a game, it could tie in with Amazon-owned Twitch video streaming and allow broadcasters and their viewers to play with each other.“


Apple und Amazon: Premium-Deal

Amazon and Apple Strike Deal for Prime Video In-App Purchases and Subscriptions – If their new sign-ups for Prime are tapering off in the U.S. - which seems very possible, given how popular Prime is and how long it’s been around — any new subscriptions they can get through in-app iTunes subscriptions may well be worth the recurring cut Apple will take. There’s practically zero risk that any existing Prime Video subscribers are going to cancel just to resubscribe using iTunes, and even less risk that any full-fledged Prime subscribers would downgrade to Prime Video only. It’s all upside for Amazon, even with Apple’s cut of in-app transactions. – It’s a win for Apple, a win for Amazon, and a win for users in the Apple TV ecosystem.“

Daring Fireball

AirTags in Apple-Video erwähnt

„Exclusive: AirTags confirmed in a new Apple Support Video! – There are three different options which are – Enabling/Disabling Find My iPhone, Enabling Offline Finding and Send Last Location. Under ‚Enable Offline Finding‘, Apple mentions ‚Offline finding enables this device and AirTags to be found when not connected to Wi-Fi or cellular.‘ This phrase clearly mentions AirTags and can be seen if the video is paused at 1:42.“
